" The Goblet of Fire"

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Cedric's POV
It was the morning after the announcement of the tournament, and I was ready to put my name in the goblet of fire. Of course, I wasn't doing this for myself, I wanted to give Hufflepuff the recognition it deserved and a little glory as well. I took a shower and then I saw my friends waiting me at Hufflepuff's common room. We went down and when we entered the hall, we saw almost everyone in their tables. We sat and we waited. Then, I realized that Durmstrang and Beauxbautons were arriving today. They made their entrance and everyone was excited about it. Beauxbautons' girls did this dance, and Durmstrang's boys entered with some sticks and stuff. It was really great, in my opinion.

I was looking around and I saw the girl who punched me in the face. She was laughing with her friends, and I wanted to know her name.

" Hey, Ernie. Do you know that girl over there?" I said, looking at her.
Ernie turned around. " Who? The brunette girl with green eyes?". She asked.
" Yes, that's the one." I said
" Oh, I think so. I think she is Clarissa Argent. She is in Gryffindor in fourth year. She's always with the Weasleys and with Harry Potter. Why?". She asked, full of curiosity.
" Well I met her at the Quidditch Cup." I said.
" Right...look Ced, you don't want to mess with her. She is clearly one of the smartest girls in the school, and trust me when I tell you, she doesn't like to be bothered. Besides, it's almost like she hated having fun. She's always at the library surrounded by books". She said.
" Trust me, I saw this once I met her. I guess I just wanted to know the name of the girl who punched me in the face, that's all." I said, looking at Clarissa.
" She punched you in the face?" She asked. She seemed surprised.
" Yes, but I deserved it. Anyway, it's in the past now." I said, smiling.
" Okay... Well, I guess she is the only one from fourth year who doesn't wants to be on Cedric Diggory's arms" . She said in a sarcastic voice.
" Oh, shut up". I said.

Once they sat in their tables, we ate. One hour later, people began putting their names in the fire. A couple of friends did it, and almost everyone was there. Then, I guess it was my turn. I was walking but then my friends pushed me and they were telling me to put my name. I laughed and I crossed the age line. I took a deep breath and I put it. It was done. I smiled and when I turned around, I saw Clarissa. She was sitting by the stairs with a book on his lap, staring at me. Once she saw me, she opened her book and started reading. I smiled, because she was definitely different from the girls I knew. I left the Hall and I went to potions with my friends. I caught myself thinking about her, but not in a romantic way or anything like that. I just thought that maybe she would be chosen to help the champion. That would be an interesting event. She would freak out if we were chosen, and it would be hilarious in my opinion. I guess we had to wait and see what happens.

Clary's POV

That was awful. I was sitting by myself, watching who were putting their names in the goblet. First, I saw a beautiful girl from Beauxbautons doing it, and a couple of her friends followed her. Then, I saw this Bulgarian boy. According to Ron, he was the best seeker in the world. He was obsessed with him, in my opinion. I could see many girls giggling and staring at him, and everything I did was to roll my eyes. I was going to leave the Hall but then I saw Diggory. Of course he was putting his name. I looked at him, but he noticed. He stared at me with those gray eyes and all I could do was to open my book and pretend I was reading. Once he left, I took my things and we went to defense against the dark arts. It was a different lesson. Mad Eye Moody taught us about the unforgivable curses. I couldn't believe we were actually seeing that, since it was illegal and all. Moody used the three curses with a spider, and I knew I wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone. Well maybe Malfoy. I'm not sure.

Once I left the classroom, I saw professor McGonagall. I approached her and she stopped me.
"Miss Granger and Miss Argent, I was looking for you. As you know, the three smartest students of each house are going to be selected to see which one is going to help the Hogwarts' champion with the tasks. You two and Oliver Wood are the ones. Meet me this afternoon in the transfiguration classroom . I will tell you what will happen once we are there." She said.

She left and we stood there, thinking.
" What do you think she is going to do with us?" She said, looking worried.
" Maybe a small task to see which one of us is the best one". I said
" I hope so. Anyway, we need to go to care of magical creatures. We better hurry". She said.
" Sure, we will worry about this later". I said.

[ hi guys what do you think.? Please feel free to comment and give some suggestions. Thanks for reading ]

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