"Coming Home"

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Things didn't exactly go well that day.
After the match was over, we were celebrating Ireland's triumph. We were laughing and having a good time when we heard screams outside our tent. When we get out, we saw the death eaters: Voldemort's followers. We had to get out of that place, before anyone got hurt. It was a horrible night. After that, we came back to the burrow, where we spent a couple of weeks before we returned to Hogwarts. We spent some time playing Quidditch with the Weasleys, and helping out in the house, which was wonderful.

I didn't really think about that incident with Diggory. I never once changed my mind: he was always going to be an asshole to me. At least, that's what I thought.

After a few weeks, we realized vacations were over; we were returning to Hogwarts. The twins were complaining about that, but I wasn't. I guess Hogwarts is like a home to me, a place where I feel safe and where I can be myself. One morning we packed our bags, and we headed to king cross station. After we passed trough the platform, we saw Hogwarts express and I saw my brother. Aaron was talking to Hermione Granger, a girl from my year who was so kind to everyone. She was from Gryffindor too, and I might not be her friend, but she loves the library as much as I do.

I approached them and I hugged my brother.
" I've missed you, fool". I said.
" Ouch, get off me." He said, giggling.
I turned to Hermione and smiled at her. " Hello, Clary. I hope you're doing well". She said.
" Hello Hermione . I hope you're doing well too. I guess you have missed the library as much as I have." I said.
" You can't even imagine." She said, smiling.
" Well, I guess I will see you at school". I said.
" Of course. Have a nice day you two" . Then she walked away.
" Aren't you happy? " I asked Aaron. " We are finally going to Hogwarts".
" Well I would be, if I had friends." He said.
" I bet you do. You must have at least one friend Aaron". I said, rolling my eyes.
" Yes I do. Moaning Myrtle." He said, in a bad mood. Then he walked away.

I didn't know what to do. I felt sorry for him but it was funny that he talked to moaning myrtle. I mean the only thing she did was to...moan. Anyway, not even that could make me sad right now, I was just happy that I was going to Hogwarts again. Well, at least that's what I thought. But then I saw Diggory with some of his friends. He was laughing and being a waste of oxygen in my opinion. Then he noticed me and he stared at me. All I could do was to roll my eyes, but he just smiled at me, so it kind of annoyed me. I boarded the train and I sat next to Ginny, Harry, Ron and the twins. We were finally going home.

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