"Potter Stinks"

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It was Wednesday. We were in the Hall having breakfast, but I couldn't have a proper conversation with my friends. Ron was half-asleep, Harry was nowhere to be seen, and Ginny was with Neville Longbottom. I just sat there and ate. I was really bored, I was wishing for classes to begin already. I looked around and everyone was having fun. Then, I saw Diggory talking to my little brother. Aaron was sitting with some of his second year classmates, and Diggory was standing by his side. I stared for a long time, but they didn't notice me, they were very busy talking. Finally, I saw Aaron smiling about something, so I knew Cedric apologized to him. I smiled a little bit, because it was great seeing my brother smiling. He was still a boy, he was 12 years old, so I guess he still forgave people. I wasn't like that. I never entirely forgave my mother for leaving my father, but I knew I had to get use to it. Maybe it was time I changed a little bit; I could forgive my mother and Cedric for what they did.

Once they finished talking, Cedric saw me and he sat by my side. The Weasleys looked at us, wondering what on earth was hapenning.

"So, I guess you were saying the truth." I said, looking at him.

"Of course I was, Clarissa. What, did you think I was lying?". He said, staring at me with those gray eyes.

I laughed. "No, It's just that you have changed, that's all." I said. "And thanks. I really appreciate what you did".

"No problem, Clarissa Argent. I guess I will see you this afternoon". He said, leaving the table.

"Sure you will". I said.

He left to sit with his friends. I smiled and then I turned around. The Weasleys were staring at me.

"What did Diggory wants?". Asked Fred.

"Nothing. I'm just helping him figuring out the clue, that's all." I said.

They continued eating, forgetting what just happened. I looked at them and then I looked at Ron. He was asleep, so I woke him, kicking his leg.

"Ouch, what was that for?. He asked.

"First of all Ronald, we are having breakfast, not taking a nap. Second of all, your best friend is missing , and you are not worried? I said.

"Who, Harry?. Oh, he was asleep when I left. Probably he stayed out late. He took the invisibility cloak last night, probably to see Hagrid". He said.

"What? Why didn't he wait until today?" I asked.

"I don't know Clary, we aren't exactly talking". He said.

It annoyed me that Ron didn't care about Harry. I was going to yell at him, but I definitely wasn't in the mood to start a fight.

I went to classes; I had Charms, Transfiguration and potions. Fortunately, MacGonagall didn't leave us any homework, and neither did Flitwick. I had to write a small essay for potions, but I had a week to do that. I headed to the Hall to have lunch. I was already late, so most students were in the grounds taking the sun and preparing for the next lesson. Once I finished eating, I decided I wanted to go to the lake to think about the clue. However, on my way there I saw many people wearing some badgets with the name of Cedric in it. I thought those were badgets with only his name in them, but then after some seconds they changed and it said "Potter Stinks". I froze. I approached to a girl from Ravenclaw to ask her where did she get it.

"Excuse me, may I ask where did you get that?" I said coldly. I was furious.

" You want one? Cedric has a box full of them. I believe he made them". She said, laughing.

"Where is he?". I snapped.

She pointed him with her finger. He was sitting with some friends, laughing. I ran where he was and when he saw me, his expression changed. He wasn't smiling anymore. He stood up and walked towards me.

"You idiot". I yelled, pushing him.

" Clarissa, let me explain..." He said, but I didn't let him finish.

" You are a liar, a coward and a jerk. I really thought you had changed Diggory, but you just showed me you didn't. You knew Harry was my friend, that he hasn't done anything to you, and now you are giving away badgets with "Potter Stinks" in them?. You know, just forget about everything. I am not helping you anymore. Good luck finding it out by yourself". I said, walking away from him as fast as I could.

He stood there. He didn't say a word. He looked surprised, and angry. He took his things and left his friends there. They were calling him, but he didn't turn around. I stopped and then I saw he was talking to Harry. He seemed surprised about something Harry was telling him, but it wasn't my bussiness.

I went to care of magical creatures. I couldn't concentrate, so I talked to Hagrid and I asked him if I could go to see Madame Pomfrey. He said yes, but I wasn't planning on going to see Madame Pomfrey, I just wanted to be alone. I sat by the lake. I love doing that, I always enjoyed looking at the beautiful landscape. It always made me feel better, but not this time. I was disappointed and sad, because I really thought Cedric had changed. I don't know why I felt depressed, it's not like I liked him or something.

I spent an hour there. Then I realized classes were over. I went to Gryffindor's common room, where I saw Ginny waiting for me. We did our homeworks, and then she stared at me.

"What?". I asked, without looking at her.

"Are you alright? You seem angry about something". She said.

" I'm fine. I just... thought Diggory had changed, that's all." I said.

" I know. Those badgets are immature and rude" She said. "Have you talked to Harry about that?"

"No, I haven't seen him today. I'm starting to get worried". I said.

" You don't need to be, he's just worried and scared. I don't blame him. Anyway, should we go and have some dinner? I'm starving". She said.

"You go, I'm not really hungry." I said.

" Okay. I'll see you later". She said.

I smiled at her. Everyone left, so I was left alone in the common room. I wanted to start writing my essay, but I didn't feel like it. I fell asleep in the couch, I was really tired to think. When I woke up, the Weasleys were already there,. Then, I saw Harry coming in. I ran to him and hugged him.

" Harry, I was worried about you. I haven't seen you today. Are you okay? Don't pay attention to those stupid badgets Harry, Cedric is just an idiot." I said.

" I'm fine Clary, it doesn't bothers me anyway."He said.

"Okay. But hey, I saw you talking to Diggory. What did he wants?". I asked.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to him. Last night I went to talk to Hagrid, he said he had something to show me. He took me to the forbidden forest. Clary, he showed me the first task". He said.

"Wait, what? What do you mean he showed you the first task?" I asked.

" It's dragons Clary, dragons. I guess we have to fight them. I needed to tell Cedric because Madame Maxime saw them and she told Fleur, and so did Karkaroff. Cedric was the only one who didn't know anything, and that wouldn't be fair". He explained.

I looked at him. He was definitely a really good person.

" But why did you do that? I mean, did you see the badgets Harry? I asked.

"Clary he didn't make them. His friends did of course. He told me he asked everyone to stop wearing them, but they didn't listen. It wasn't his fault."

I looked at him. I couldn't say anything. I was just to surprised to say anything.

"Look Clary, you need to apologize. He looked really sad, because after all, what you told him wasn't exactly nice." He said, smiling.

"I know. Thanks for telling me" I said, smiling back. " I'll talk to him tomorrow".

He tapped me on my shoulder and he left. I went to my room and I lay in my bed. I had to talk to Cedric and apologize . Before I fell asleep, I decided I was going to talk to him tomorrow at breakfast. It was the right thing to do.

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