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3 days later.

Clary's POV:

I didn't leave my room for the next three days. People went in and out and they checked on me, but I never saw them. I was looking at the wall, and I could hear them talking but I didn't pay attention. Cedric's friends came many times but I didn't say a word to them. I wanted them to stop coming because they reminded me of him. Hermione and Ginny were with me in the room all the time, and they brought me water and food, which I didn't touch. Nothing at all could relieve the pain. Not crying, talking, screaming, and begging... because these wouldn't make him come back. Nothing could. He was dead, and as much as I needed to accept it, I knew I couldn't.

Everything reminded me of him, and it was killing me. I realized that the hardest part of losing him wasn't having to say goodbye, but rather learning to live without him. I was always going to be trying to fill the void, the emptiness that was inside my heart because of his death.

Three days later after his death, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione came to see me. They sat on the bed for a long time, without saying a word. After what seemed like a life time, Hermione spoke.

"I know you can hear us Clary. And it's okay if you don't want to talk. I don't know what you're feeling right now because I have never lost anyone, but you have to eat Clary. You can't starve yourself to death. Cedric wouldn't want that. He would hate to see you this sad" She said.

"Please don't say his name." I whispered, loud enough for them to hear me.

"Okay. Then I won't. But you need to be strong right now. I have always admired you for your strength, you know? And I need to see it now. We need you. We hate to see you like this and I know we didn't know him as much as you did but we cared about him and he was important to us." She said, trying not to cry.

I didn't say anything. I just stared at the wall, trying to avoid the pain the situation was causing me. But this time it didn't work. I could feel tears streaming down my face again, and I decided to look at them.

Hermione and Ginny looked pale and sad, and so did Ron. But Harry was the worst of them. He was extremely pale and he had small cuts everywhere, and a big bandage on his arm.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" I asked Harry, touching his arm.

"I am okay. It's nothing." He replied.

"Nothing? That's a really big injury. Please, tell me." I said.

He looked at the window and he didn't say anything. I had never seen him so sad in my life, and he was trying so hard to keep himself together.

"How did he die?" I asked, wiping my tears with the blanket.

"You don't want to know Clary..." Harry whispered.

"I do. Look, I need to know what happened. I need to know that he didn't die in vain. I need to know why he left me after he promised me that he was going to come back. Please tell me." I whispered, crying.

He gave me a quick look and then he kept staring at the window.

"The first time I saw him in the maze was when Krum was torturing him. I saved him and... that's the moment I knew something was wrong and he knew it as well. Krum wasn't himself... he was being controlled. But we didn't do anything about it. We just kept running and looking for the cup and we finally saw it. We started running and then he fell to the ground and for a moment I thought about leaving him there. And I should have. If I had, he wouldn't have died." Harry whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I saved him and we touched the Cup together. It was supposed to send us back to the Quidditch field, but it didn't. We ended up in a cemetery far away from here. Then we saw someone... and I told him to leave but... he didn't. He stayed because he wasn't going to leave me behind. He should have." He said.

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