Epilogue-"The Last Goodbye"

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3 Years Later:

It was May, and I could feel the hot wind against my skin, making me sweat and to prepare for the hot summer that was about to take place. I looked at my clothes and my hands and I noticed they were all dirty and covered with mud and blood, which were beginning to be a part of me now. For the last three years I had seen and experienced things that made me be dirty and bloody, so I didn't complain about it anymore.

Three years ago I would've complained. But not anymore, because I wasn't a fifteen year old girl anymore. I was already eighteen, and all the things I saw changed me. I didn't remember the last time I smiled, or the last time I was relaxed and fearless. I had been scared, angry and violent for the last three years, and so had been my best friends: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley. We all stopped smiling after Cedric Diggory died, and after all the deaths we saw last night at the Battle of Hogwarts.

After Cedric died I went home and I didn't get out of my room for the next month. Then I received a letter from Sirius, and he invited me over to the Order of The Phoenix, a secret organization created by Albus Dumbledore. I spent the rest of the vacations there, with the Weasleys, Sirius, Tonks, Remus and Harry. That was the last time I saw Amos Diggory, since he was a member of the order, and I never heard of him again. That year we returned to Hogwarts, but nothing was the same anymore. I couldn't even walk through the Halls because everything reminded me of him, but eventually I got over it. But it never stopped hurting, not even once. That year Dolores Umbridge came to the school, and she was our Defense against the Dark Arts professor. But she didn't teach us anything. She didn't believe Lord Voldemort was back, and she was convinced nothing was going to hurt us, reason why she stopped teaching. She kept calling Cedric's death an accident, and I fought and disrespected her so much that I almost got expelled, but all I got were scars on my hand, just like Harry did. But we didn't give up. We created a secret organization called Dumbledore's army, and Harry taught us many advanced spells and that's how we learned how to protect ourselves. But at the end of the year, we fell into a trap and we ended up in the Ministry of Magic, where all the death eaters were waiting for us so they could have Harry's prophecy. Luckily for us, the members of the Order arrived, and they saved us all. But we lost someone that day, someone we all cared about: Sirius. So now I felt the pain of two deaths in one year, which I still felt now.

Then sixth year began. It was the worst year for me, I stopped talking to Harry, to Ron and to Hermione. We all kept our distances, and Harry was helping Dumbledore to find how to destroy Voldemort, Ron was Lavender Brown, and Hermione was jealous because of that. On that year I stopped going to classes, and I started breaking lots of rules just so I could clear my head. I got suspended once, and they almost sent me home, which I didn't care. I dealt with depression the entire year, and I my sadness turned into rage, and I started hating Cedric for dying, even after I knew it wasn't his fault. And then death visited us once more when Severus Snape killed Dumbledore in the astronomy tower. I guess that was the last year we had normal classes, because after that, Death Eaters invaded the school and they turned it into hell.

Then last year began. Harry told us about the Horcruxes, and how he was going to find them throughout the year. They wanted me to go with them, but I didn't listen to them because I felt useless, and I didn't feel clever and strong anymore. I decided to return to Hogwarts, which wasn't a good choice. My three best friends left and throughout the year I didn't know if they were alive or dead. So I stayed with Luna, Neville and Ginny, and we protected students from The Death Eaters in the castle. And then, on May 2, Harry, Ron and Hermione returned, and the battle began. We lost a lot of friends and loved ones during that day, including Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Tonks, Lavender Brown, etc... They were far too much to count them, and then that pain I had felt for the last three years amplified, and now it was hurting so much I wanted to die. But not everything was bad, because last night everything ended. Voldemort was dead, and we were all at peace.

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