"The First Task"

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It was finally Sunday. I couldn't sleep that night. I was worried about Harry and Cedric. I left my bed early and I took a shower. Then, I put some clothes on and I waited until Hermione and the other girls were awake. Then, I heard Ginny knocking on the door.

"Hey, did I woke you?" She asked. She was wearing Gryffindor's scarf, and she had a couple of badgets with Harry's name on them.

"No, I was awake. I couldn't sleep. This task is getting on my nerves". I said.

"Hey, Harry is going to be okay. I'm sure." She said, smiling.

"Yeah, I hope so. I mean, I tried to help him but he didn't let me. He said he had it all figured out". I said, walking down the stairs.

"Then I'm sure he does. Anyway, how is Cedric?". She asked.

"Well, he looked really nervous yesterday. But I'm sure he will be fine. He's actually very clever. But still, I'm worried about him". I said, sitting in the couch in the common room.

" I didn't know you actually liked him now". She said, giggling.

"Well I do. He's my friend, I guess. And before you ask, no. I don't like him in a romantic way". I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, whatever you say". She said, laughing. " Should we go to the Hall? I'm starving.".

"Okay". I said

We left the common room. As soon as we arrived to the Hall, almost everyone was there. I guess they were really excited and they were ready to see what was coming next. I looked around and I saw many students supporting Cedric, Krum, Fleur or Harry.We sat at the table, but I couldn't eat. I looked around but I couldn't find any of the champions. Perhaps they were eating somewhere else. I sat there for a long time, but then I saw McGonagall standing by my side.

"Good morning Miss Argent. You are supposed to be in the champions tent with Mr Diggory". She said.

" Oh, really? Well, thanks for telling me. I'll go now". I said, leaving the table.

I walked until I arrived to the Quidditch field, where the first task was going to be held. I didn't enter right away, I wanted to sit and think. I did so, until I heard students coming down from the castle. I looked at my watch and I saw that the task was about to begin. I headed towards the tent, wondering what was I supposed to do. When I was inside, I saw the 4 champions. They were each one in different places of the tent, and they looked really nervous. I saw Cedric sitting on the floor. As soon as he saw me he smiled, and he stood up. 

"I'm glad you're here". He said, smiling.

"Well, It's my duty to help you in any way I can." . I said.

Before he could say anything else, Dumbledore and Barty Crouch called the champions. They made a circle, with Crouch in the center. He had a small bag, with four small dragons in it. The first one who took one out was Fleur, and she had to fight a Common Welsh Green. Then came Krum, who had to fight a Chinese Fireball; followed by Cedric, who had to fight a Swedish Shortsnout; and then came Harry, who had to fight a Hungarian Horntail.

Now I was even more scared for Harry. After all, The Hungarian Horntail is a very nasty and dangerous dragon. 

"Well, Mr.Diggory will start. At the sound of the canyon you must face the dragon". Said Crouch.

Cedric was as pale as a white sheet. He took his wand and he was about to start putting some gloves on, but he was shaking too much.

"Here, let me". I said.

He smiled and he let me help him with the gloves. The problem was, I was shaking as much as he was. He took my hands and he squeezed them a little bit. 

"Just breathe." He whispered. I did as he said, and finally I could do it. I looked at him and suddenly I hugged him. I didn't know how that happened, I just did. He hugged me back, and I could feel everyone in that tent staring at us. I finally let him go, and I blushed.

"Sorry, I-I  don't know why I did that". I muttered.

He smiled at me. "It's okay. I needed that anyway. Now, would you do me a favor?". He asked.

"Anything". I said.

" Would you wear my Hufflepuff's scarf? I would like to see you supporting me". He said, looking at me with those gray, beautiful eyes.

"Cedric, I...". I began, but he didn't let my finish.

"Please. It would make me feel better". He said.

"Okay, then I will". I said, smiling.

Before he could say anything, we heard a noise. It was the sound of the canyon, so he looked at me one last time and he got out of the tent. I put his scarf on and I went to sit in the benches, and I could hear everyone screaming his name.  Unfortunately, Ron saw me with the scarf, and I could see he was mad.

"What do you think you're doing? Why are you wearing Diggory's scarf? You're supposed to be supporting Harry". He snapped.

"Oh shut up Ron. You are the one who haven't supported him since his name got out of the goblet. You know I support Harry, but Cedric is my friend and I was chosen to help him. So if you don't mind, I want to see what's going on" I said.

He didn't say anything. I turned around and I could see Cedric running away from the dragon. The eggs were behind the creature, and Cedric was taking out his wand. Then, I saw the stone turning into a dog. Everyone laughed, and I was so happy that he did it. The dog was barking so loud, that the dragon got distracted by it. Cedric ran and he collected the egg. Unfortunately, the dragon saw him. Before he could get out of there, the dragon spat fire. I could see Cedric's robes burning, but he stopped the fire from spreading to the rest of his body. 

He was safe. Now I could breathe better, but then I remembered Harry. I decided I was going to visit Cedric, Madame Pomfrey was healing his wounds. I went to the small hospital, and there he was. His eyes were closed, and he was resting in a bed. He opened his eyes and he smiled.

"I told you I could do it". He said, smiling.

"Well you did it great. Congratulations". I said, sitting at the corner of the bed.

"Well, it was all because of you. Thank you. And by the way, that scarf looks good on you". He said, smirking.

I laughed. "Shut up Diggory. You need to rest".

He smiled and then I could hear some voices. I turned around and I could see Cedric's friends. I recognized Ernie, James, Isaac, and Alex, and behind them was Cho Chang. She was a year older than me, and she was a Ravenclaw. I recognized her because Harry had a huge crush on her.

"You did a great job out there, Diggory". James said. They all laughed and then he looked at me. " I don't think we have met before. I'm James, and you are Clarissa right? But everyone calls you Clary". He said, smirking. He squeezed my hand and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. " Nice to meet you".

" I wish I could say the same". I said.

They all laughed, except for Cho Chang. She looked kind of annoyed.

"See, James? I told you she wasn't going to like you". Said Cedric.

" Shut up Diggory. The problem is that she doesn't know me yet. You're really pretty, by the way". He said, flirting.

I just rolled my eyes. Then, I heard Cho coughing. 

"Um, hi. I don't think we've met before". I told her, smiling.

" We haven't. Now, why do you have Ced's scarf?." She said. She definitely seemed to hate me.

"Um... no reason. I forgot to take it off." I said, giving it to Cedric. 

Cedric wanted to say something, but Cho interrupted him. " Well, I think you should go, or don't you want to see Harry?." She asked. I officially didn't like her.

"You're right. I should go. I guess I'll see you around Diggory".

He wanted to say something, but Cho started talking to him. Ernie, Alex and Isaac said goodbye, but James stood there smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and I left. 

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