"The Clue"

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Clary's POV:

Those three weeks I spent with my father and my brother were amazing. We celebrated Christmas, and New Year as well. I told my father about Cedric, and he wasn't as disappointed as I thought he was going to be. Of course, he wasn't delighted that I was dating a 17 year old boy, but he said nothing. My brother in the other hand, was happy. Since Cedric apologized, they used to spend some time together, and they used to talk about Quidditch. I was glad they were getting along, and I loved seeing Aaron happy. He didn't have many friends in his year, so I believed Cedric was his best friend or something.

By January 15, I was in Hogwarts again. I was so happy of seeing Cedric and my friends I could barely stay still. Once we arrived to Hogwarts, I was heading to the hall with Harry and the Weasleys when I felt that someone was pulling from my sweater. I turned around and before I could utter a word, Cedric kissed me and he lifted me from the ground.

"What are you doing?" I said, giggling.

"I'm kissing the girl I love because I haven't seen in three weeks". He said, smiling.

"I've missed you too". I said, hugging him.

We turned around and Harry and the Weasleys were staring at us.

"Hello. How were your holidays?" Asked Cedric.

Harry said they were rather pleasant, but Ron didn't say anything. He just rolled his eyes and he left.

"Sorry about that. Apparently Ronald is jealous because we are seeing someone and he is not" said Hermione.

"Oh... Looks like he hates me". Said Cedric.

"He does. You are Harry's enemy, or at least that's what he thinks". I said.

"Good to know that". Said Cedric, holding my hand.

I smiled and we sat in our tables. Five minutes later, food appeared from nowhere and I realized how much I've missed the food. As soon as we finished, I said goodbye to Cedric and I headed to the Gryffindor's common room. Once I entered, I saw students around Fred and George. Apparently, they had developed a new product during the holidays, and everyone wanted to buy it. I rolled my eyes, and I headed to my room. There, I saw Ginny, Hermione and Lavender. I sat with them and we talked for a while.

"So, the second task is in a month. Did they boys figure out the clue?" Asked Lavender.

"Viktor never talks about the tournament, so I've no idea" said Hermione. "And Harry clearly hasn't. I've been trying to help him, but he is so stubborn".

"Yeah, he is. And Cedric hasn't either. He is actually getting worried because he has no idea what spells to use. And I don't know how to help him". I said, sighing.

"I'm sure they will find it out. They are smart. Cedric is a prefect and harry has faced more dangerous things" Said Ginny.

We didn't say anything. After a few seconds, we stood up and we went to sleep. I felt asleep immediately, and the last thing I thought about was the egg.

The next morning, I went to classes. It was really boring, and I just wanted this week to end. The only thing that made my day better was seeing Cedric, so when we had small breaks, we used to try to figure out the clue. By February, we had nothing. I couldn't concentrate in class because I was too worried. What if something happened to him? However, I didn't worry just about him, I was also worried about Harry.

One afternoon, I was with Ginny and Hermione in the grounds. It was a beautiful but cold day, but luckily snow had almost disappeared. We were looking at the lake when suddenly I saw Cedric running towards me. He took my hand and we headed to the nearest tree we could find.

"I'd figured it out". He said, breathlessly.

"What? When?" I asked.

"This morning. I didn't have any classes, so I decided to take a walk. I was in the grounds when I noticed Mad Eye Moody. He was walking near me, and I could hear him whisper one word: Water. I thought it was odd, so I thought about it the entire morning. Then, I realized we haven't use water, so we don't know how the egg would react to it."

"Okay... Continue". I said.

"Then, I decided to go to the Prefects bathroom in the fifth floor. I wanted you to go with me by the way". He joked.

I elbowed him. "Shut up Diggory. Continue". I said, laughing.

"Well, I took the egg and I put it underwater, and I could hear some voices. They were mermaids singing, and they told me that something I couldn't live without was about to be taken from me, and that I had one hour to rescue it". He said.

"Don't you think is weird? I mean, why would Moody tell you that? That's against the rules". I said.

"Clarissa, does it matter? We just figured out the clue". He said, excitedly.

"Yeah you're right. So, mermaids? I guess the second task is going to be held in the black lake". I said.

He smiled. "You're smart. It took me like half an hour to figure that out. The problem is, I don't know how I am going to spend an hour underwater". He said, sighing.

"We'll go to the library this afternoon. I'm sure we will find the spell". I said. "Look, you know Harry is my best friend, so I have to tell him".

"Actually, can I do it? I think it's the right thing to do. He told me about those dragons, and I never thanked him for that. I'll tell him". He said.

I smiled and I kissed him. "You are such a nice guy, Cedric. I'm so lucky to have someone as loyal as you are".

He smiled. "I guess I'm a fellow Hufflepuff".

"You are". I said.

We didn't say anything for a while, and then I noticed Cho Chang. She was with her stupid friends, and I noticed they were staring at us. Then, I saw Cho was heading on our direction.

"Hello, Cedric and Clary". She said, politely.

Cedric looked at me and he raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here, Cho?" He asked.

"I wanted to apologize". She blurted.

"For what? Oh let me guess... for being a terrible person?" I asked.

"Actually yes. I'm really sorry. I know I treated you horribly Clary and I hate myself for that. Same to you Cedric. I know I wasn't a great girlfriend and I was rude and jealous all the time, so I'm sorry that I ruined our relationship. Now, I know things won't be like they once were, so I guess we could start over? As friends?" She asked, smiling.

Before I could say something, Cedric said yes. I looked at him and I raised an eyebrow. Then, they were both staring at me and waiting for an answer.

I sighed. "Sure, Cho."

She smiled. "That's great". Then, she hugged Cedric. She let him go and then she hugged me.

"Stay away from him, or I swear I'll destroy you". Cho whispered in my ear.

I wasn't surprised. I didn't believe her for a second anyway.

"I'll like to see you try". I whispered, hugging her.

She smirked and she let me go. She left with her friends and Cedric and I stood there.

"That's the Cho I knew. I am glad she finally accepted we are together". He said.

"Yeah... me too". I whispered.

I hated that bitch. I wasn't going to let her destroy my relationship with Cedric. Sadly, I was so blind to see that her revenge was bigger than I thought, and that she was going to destroy many things, leaving them in pieces that I wasn't going to be able to fix.

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