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Cedric's POV:

I don't know why did I do that. Why the bloody hell did I kissed her? Fortunately, it was on the cheek, but still, it was awkward. It's just that I saw her there, smiling at me with that beautiful smile and those eyes and I couldn't help it. I don't regret it, I just hope she isn't thinking I like her or something. But did I? Because being with her felt so... calm. She isn't one of those girls who giggles all the time, and I love that. I can be myself when I'm around her, and I can tell her everything, and she always listens.

I thought about that almost the entire night. It was almost impossible to sleep. What the hell was happening to me? This has never happened to me, I mean, I am in love with Cho but I've never felt like this with her. I covered my head with my sheets, until I fell asleep. When I woke up, all my friends were getting ready to go to Hogsmeade.

I put some clothes on, and then I noticed Isaac and James were staring at me.

"When the hell did you come back? I was in the common room writing that stupid essay, and I didn't see you coming in." Said James, howling.

"Sorry, I stayed with Clarissa listening to some music.". I said.

"Lately, you spend more time with her than with us mate. Let me guess, you like her", Said Isaac, smirking.

"What? No. She's just an amazing friend, that's all. Look, I'm going with Cho to Hogsmeade, so I won't be spending time with you today, sorry". I said, leaving the room.

"Right. Have fun, and say hi to Cho for me". Said James.

"I will.". I said, smiling.

I left the common room, and I saw Cho heading to the Hall to have breakfast.

"Hey, babe". I said, kissing her.

"Hey Ced. I haven't see you in a while. Is everything okay between us?". She asked, looking at me.

" Of course it is. What makes you think that?". I asked, taking her hand.

"Nothing, it's just that you spend more time with Argent than with me". She said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, she's my friend, that's all. You are my girlfriend, and I love you". I said, kissing her on the top of her head.

She giggled and we went to sit in the Ravenclaw table. We had some breakfast and we talked to Cho's friends. I never liked those girls. They were always giggling about everything, gossiping and whispering. It was annoying, but they were my girlfriend's friends.

Half an hour later, we left the Hall and we headed to the doors of the castle. There were carriages waiting for the students to take them to Hogsmeade, so we took one. Before I closed the door, I saw Clarissa. But she wasn't with Potter or the Weasleys, she was with a boy. I've seen him before, he was in Ravenclaw. They looked so happy, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. We were in our way to Hogsmeade, and Cho was talking to me, but I wasn't listening. I was thiinking about Clarissa and that boy. I've never seen them together, and she hasn't mentioned him before.

"So, what do you think?He's a total idiot, don't you think?. She asked.

"Um... yeah, he definitely is". I said, wondering who the hell was she calling an idiot.

Fortunately, she thought I was listening to her. She kept talking, and I tried to pay attention. Before she could finish, we got out of the carriage.

"So, where do you want to go?". I asked, looking around.

"Well, there's a small restaurant not so far from here. We could drink some tea. It's called Dorotea's tea, or something like that". She said, taking my hand.

"Sure, let's go". I said, putting my arm around her.

Clary's POV

I always thought Hogsmeade was a beautiful town, and I loved everything in it. But today it was more beautiful, since I was with Grant Gustin. He told me about his family on our way here; his father was a muggle, and his mother was a witch. He had a little sister, who was in first year. He played Quidditch, he was one of the beaters, and a great one.

First, we went to Zonko's, where I saw Fred, George and Lee Jordan having fun. I introduced them to Grant, and I could see the twins smirking. After that, we went to Honeydukes, where we saw Hermione and Ginny. They smiled at me, because they thought Grant was handsome.

" God, he is almost as handsome as Diggory". Said Ginny, giggling.

Fortunately, he didn't hear. We bought some chocolate frogs and we left the store.

"Now, I would love to go to the three broomsticks, but it's always crowded. The entire school is in there, I can assure that. Now, I know this place, it's called Dorotea's tea, and students don't go there. Perhaps we could drink some tea and you can tell me more about you". Said Grant, smiling.

"I've never been there before. Let's go". I said.

He held my hand, and I blushed. It was the first time a boy took my hand, and I liked the feeling. We kept walking until we saw the small restaurant, so we entered. Before we could sit, there was a couple coming out. But it wasn't just a couple, it was Cedric and Cho. We froze, and so did they. First, I saw Cedric letting go of Cho's hand, and then he saw I was holding hands with Grant. I didn't let go of his hand, because I was to paralyzed.

" Hello, what are you doing here?". Snapped Cho. She seemed furious.

" Hi Cho, we just wanted to drink some tea.". Said Grant, smiling at her.

She barely returned the smile, because she was staring at me.

"So, you are Cedric Diggory. Nice to meet you". Said Grant.

Cedric was looking at him, but he didn't say anything for a while. He looked different, I've never seen that expression before.

"Hello. Who are you?". Asked Cedric

"I'm Grant Gustin. I'm a ravenclaw . Cho is in the same year". Said Grant.

He didn't say anything to me. He barely looked at me, and I didn't know why.

"So... we are leaving. Nice to see you Grant". Said Cho, leaving the place.

"I hate that girl". I said, and we sat to order some tea.

"Yeah, she doesn't seem to like you that much". Said Grant, taking off his jacket.

"I know, and I have no idea why". I said.

Grant started talking about Quidditch, but I wasn't listening to him. I found Quidditch fascinating, but not at this moment. I couldn't stop wondering why Cedric was so mad, and why didn't he look me in the eyes. Boys were so confusing. Yesterday, he was laughing and listening to music with me. He even kissed me on the cheek, and now he was mad at me? What the hell?. I decided I was going to confront him at dinner, because I wanted to know why did he behave like that. Of course, I was so blind to see that Cedric Diggory was falling in love with me.

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