" The Reunion"

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After I left the room, I immediately went to Gryffindor's common room . I covered with my blankets so I didn't have to talk to Hermione or any girl in my room. It took me a while, but I finally fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt something on my face. It was my cat, whiskey.
" Come on Whiskey. I've told you I hate that you sleep on my face" I told him.
I pushed him and I left my bed. But then, I realized not one was there.
" Shit". I said. It was almost eight a.m. I was going to be late to herbology. I put my uniform on and I left Gryffindor's common room in a hurry. I jogged until I arrived to class. I hated being late.
Things weren't exactly calmed in that class. People were just staring at me, whispering how lucky I was for being Cedric's partner. I didn't see it that way, but I said nothing. Honestly, that was the last thing in my mind. I needed to talk to Harry about him being the fourth champion. Sadly, he was in divination. I could barely concentrate during the next hour, because I felt people staring at me. It was really annoying.

Once herbology was over, I started running towards the castle. Screw classes, I needed to speak to Harry. Unfortunately, I saw the last person I wanted to see: Cedric.

"Hello Clarissa Argent. Are you feeling better?" He asked.
" And since when do you care how I am? Besides, how do you know my name Diggory?". I said, avoiding eye contact.
" Well, you seemed very worried after what happened with Potter. And about your name, I asked around. I believe it is important to know the name of the person who is going to help me this year". He said.
" Yeah, whatever. I need to get to class. By the way, it's Clary, not Clarissa.". I said, walking even faster.
" Whatever you say". He said, smiling. " And by the way Clarissa, we need to talk about that clue they gave us yesterday".
I turned around. " What are you talking about? What clue?". I asked, rolling my eyes.
" Well, the judges gave us something that looks like an egg of something. I didn't open it without you, I was hoping that perhaps we could unlock the clue together. Maybe this afternoon? ". He said.
I looked at him. I couldn't say no, it was my responsibility to help him.
" Fine, whatever. This afternoon in the library, just after classes finish. Don't you dare to be late Diggory, or I swear I'm not going to help you." I said, walking in the opposite direction.
" Whatever you say, Clarissa Argent". He said. He smiled and then he left.

Finally I could talk to Harry. He was in Charms with me, so I sat by his side, and I stared at him.
" Harry. What the hell happened? I mean, are you okay?" I asked.
" Yes I'm fine Clary, I just need to stop talking about this". He said coldly.
" Hell no. You're my best friend and we are going to talk about his, you like it or not. Besides, you need to write to Sirius, telling him what just happened. Whoever did this, clearly wants to see you dead". I said. I was actually worried about him.
" Thanks Clary, like I haven't thought about that before." He said.
" Look, I know you're scared okay? But I promise I will help you with everything I can, and I'm going to help you win this tournament." I said.
" Thanks, but I don't know if you are allowed. I mean, you are Cedric's partner, not mine. You're supposed to be helping him". He said.
" I will help you both. You are my best friend Harry, and I won't let anything happen to you, okay?. I whispered.

He didn't say anything. I didn't blame him, he was definitely going to a rough time. I noticed Ronald wasn't talking to him. I guess he was jealous, he probably thought that Harry put the name in the goblet.

The day went by pretty fast. It was actually horrible, I could feel the entire school looking at me and whispering how lucky I was. I was really tired of this, all I wanted to do was to read in the library. Then, I remembered I had to go there anyway. I was going to help Cedric unlocking that clue. All I could think about in my way there was that I could actually be reading or doing something useful. Instead, I had to help the most annoying person in this school. Great. When I got there, I saw him waiting for me. I sat at the same table and I stared at that think that looked like an egg.

" Good afternoon Clarissa Argent. Shall we begin?" He asked. He seemed to be very excited.
" Sure." I said, coldly.
" So... What do you think it is?" He asked, looking at me.
" Well... It does looks like an egg. Shall we open it?" I asked. Before he could answer, I saw a group of girls giggling by the door. They were staring at Cedric, probably gossiping and wondering if they should talk to him. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.
" I can't believe they even follow you to the library, for heaven's sake". I said.
He looked at them and winked. They started giggling even harder.
" Okay Diggory, should we invite them to come over or something? Maybe we could invite them here and ask them about this think that looks like an egg". I snapped. I was ready to leave this table.
" What?" He said, staring at me. " Sorry. You're right. But it's not my fault that I am so good looking" he said, smirking.
" Are we going to open this stupid egg or not? I said.
" I was only joking. You really need to laugh once in a while". He said.
" Whatever". I said.
He looked a little hurt. Maybe I was a little too hard on him. He lay down on the table, staring at the egg.
" Sorry." I said. " You're right. I need to laugh once in a while. But being around you isn't exactly pleasant, since I find it hard to forgive you for what you did to my brother" I said, staring at those gray eyes.
" Well, I don't blame you. But I promise, next time I see Aaron, I will apologize. What I did was rude and disrespectful. Now, would you forgive me, please?.". He said, giving me those puppy eyes.
" Maybe. I guess time will decide". I said, smiling.
" Okay. Now that you don't hate me so much, shall we open this thing?" He asked.
" Okay. I'll open it". I said, taking the thing into my hands.

Once I opened it, Fire came out of it. We closed it a few seconds later, but it was too late. Madame Pince had seen us. She stood by the table and kicked us out of the library. She accused us of wanting to burn the library, which made me laugh.
" Well, now that we can't come to the library, where should we go Clarissa Argent?". He said with the " egg" in his hands.
" We could go the lake. There is a small corner I like to go whenever I want to be alone. Not one will bother us there." I said. But then I remember I had to finish my Charms' homework. " Shit. I'm sorry but I need to finish something. Can we do that tomorrow?." I asked.
"Whatever you say Clarissa". He said, smiling.
"Okay, bye then. I'll see you tomorrow Diggory." I said, turning around towards Gryffindor's common room.
" I'll see you tomorrow, Clarissa Argent". He said.

I walked, but once I got to my room, I couldn't finish my homework. All I could think was that maybe, after all this time, Cedric Diggory was actually a different person.

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