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I couldn't sleep that night. I guess I felt terrible, I called Cedric a jerk and a liar, which he wasn't. The next morning, I took a shower and I waited in the hall. I came down early, so people were barely arriving. I didn't see him anywhere, and I told myself I wasn't going to leave until I apologized.

After twenty minutes, I saw him coming down. He was with his friends, they were laughing, but I noticed he wasn't. I looked at him until he noticed, and he joined me by the stairs.
" Look Clary...". He said. I didn't let him finish.
" I'm so sorry Cedric. Harry told me about the badges, and I know it wasn't you. I hope you can forgive me, it was really unfair how I treated you without listening to you first. I am so sorry." I said.
He looked me in the eyes and he smiled.
" It's okay Clarissa. I understand. And I don't blame you for believing it was me. I actually talked to my friends about that and I told them to stop making them". He said.
" It's okay. Let them wear whatever they want. I don't care. Anyway, we need to talk about the task".
" Yes we do. Dragons heh? I never thought about that. Besides, we don't know what are we going to do to them. I mean, are we supposed to kill them or what?" He asked.
" I don't know. But we can talk about that this afternoon. I'll meet you here after classes okay?". I said.
" Okay, I'll be waiting for you". He said. He smiled one last time and he sat at the Hufflepuff's table.
I sat with the Weasleys, but all I could think about was about those dragons.

Cedric's POV

I couldn't help but smile. I never thought she was actually going to apologize. I guess that improved my day. Then I looked at my friends, they were laughing as always. I noticed that my best friend, James, was staring at me.

" Why are you smiling like an idiot?" He asked.
I laughed. " I'm not, I'm just glad that everything is okay between Clarissa and I."
" Yeah right. Well I must admit she is hotter this year. She did something to her hair, and she is definitely taller. I never thought I was going to say this, it she is definitely an attractive girl. You are a lucky boy Diggory." He said, smirking.
" Oh shut up. You have to remember that she is only fifteen James, and I'm seventeen. She is still a girl, but yeah, I won't deny it. She is attractive. She has beautiful eyes". I said.
" Woah Diggory, please don't tell me you are falling for a fifteen year old girl". He said.
" What? No. Besides, things are getting better between me and Cho". I said.
" Right. I've noticed you spent a lot of time with her lately. So, does that mean I can ask Clary out or something?" . He said, smirking.
" Shut up. I doubt she will accept, she doesn't even likes you James." I said, laughing.
" We'll see." He said.
I smiled and I left the Hall.

Clary's POV
The first lesson I had was transfiguration with Hufflepuff. We were supposed to turn a book into an animal, which wasn't exactly easy, because I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about that dragon. I mean, what does that thing that looks like an egg had to do with dragons? Okay, dragons spit fire, we already know that. But what are we suppose to do in the task? We can't kill the dragon, that will require the use of very advanced magic. And then I realized it. I had to tell Cedric.

I called McGonagall, I needed to leave for a couple of minutes.
" Professor, I need to leave the class for a few minutes. It's really important". I said.
She stared at me. " What are you talking about Miss Argent? You are not leaving this class. I'll tell you what. If you turn that book into any animal I will let you go. But if you fail, I'm afraid you must wait until the end of the lesson." She said, walking away.

"Shit". I needed to get this done. I couldn't wait until this afternoon. I wanted to tell him now. I needed to concentrate. I closed my eyes and I pictured that book turning into a cat. I took a deep breath and I said the spell. When I opened my eyes, I saw a small cat looking at me. I did it. I called McGonagall and I showed it to her.

" Well, well done Miss Argent. You can leave. However, I expect you to be here in 15 minutes and no more." She said.
" Yes, thank you Professor". I said.

I was heading towards the exit when I saw Ron whispering " How did you do it"?. I smiled and I told him I had to go. Now, I needed to find him. That was the most difficult part, since there are hundreds of classrooms in the castle. Thank God that this morning I heard Angelina Johnson telling Hermione she had Charms with Hufflepuff. Since she and Cedric were seniors, they were taking that class together. I ran until I found them. Professor Sprout seemed to be explaining something boring, since almost all of the students were half asleep. I searched Cedric in the crowd, until I saw him. He was barely awake, which made me smile. He looked cute when he was tired. Fortunately, he saw me. He looked at me, surprised, and then he raised his hand. Professor Sprout let him get out of the classroom, which was great. If they had been in potions, I would have had to wait, since Snape preferred to die rather than letting a student go to talk to another outside the classroom.

" What are you doing here?" He said.
" I've figure it out Diggory. You were right all along. That thing is an egg. I mean, just think about it. Dragons lay eggs, and inside an egg there is a small dragon that spits fire once we break it. You don't need to kill the dragon. You just need to take the egg away from him. Of course, the dragon will try to protect it, so you must enchant him or something" I said.
He stood there and he stared at me. Then, he smiled.
" You're brilliant. I knew there was a reason why you were chosen to help me. Not it makes perfect sense. But how did you figure it out?. He asked.
" Well, actually you helped a lot. You kept calling that thing an egg, and then I just connected everything and that's it." I said.
" Well, it's brilliant. I guess we only have to figure it out how are we going to collect the egg." He said, thinking.
" We will think about that later. Right now, I need to return to transfiguration, or McGonagall is going to kill me". I said.

He chuckled and I could see his dimples. " I'll see you later Argent". He said, entering the classroom.
I couldn't help but smile.

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