"When It All Comes To An End"

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Clary's POV:

I woke up on a Monday morning and the first thing that came to my mind was my Saturday night with Cedric. It was everything I could've asked for, and I was extremely happy because I knew he wasn't going to break up with me as soon as he left the school. I was about to put my uniform on but then I remembered they gave us the day off. It was a special day for wizards around the world, so we didn't have to go to classes at all. Instead, I could relax and spend the day with my closest friends.

I put some warm clothes on and I went to the common room to wait for Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. As soon as they came down, we went to the Hall to have some breakfast.

It was a beautiful day... well at least for me. I had never been the biggest fan of sunny days, so I loved when clouds were covering the sun. I could see there was a storm coming, and nothing made me happier than that.

As soon as we got to the Hall, my friends sat at the table really quickly because they were starving. I rolled my eyes and I started walking in their direction. However, I noticed people were staring at me more than usual. I had already got used to it because when I was with Cedric they stared at me, but this time it was different. Some of them looked at me and they quickly turned their heads, but some of them looked at me and they laughed. But I noticed they all had some magazine in their hands, so I took one from a Hufflepuff's boy.

"Hey, that's mine." He protested.

"Just give it to me and leave." I answered, sharply.

He looked at me and he left. I noticed it was opened on page 8, where the gossips from the tournaments were. I was about to close it when suddenly I noticed there was only one article in the page, and I froze as soon as I saw that its title had my name.

Clarissa Argent: Daughter Of An adulteress?

On March 27th of the present year, a fellow Hogwarts's student - who decided to remain unknown- told us a terrible and tragic story about Clarissa Argent, former Gryffindor's student and girlfriend of one of our four champions, Cedric Diggory. Not many know that Miss Argent is an American 15 year old girl that moved to England with his muggle father and his brother, who is currently studying at Hogwarts as well. The reason why they left the country was because of the forbidden and outrageous act her muggle mother committed: Infidelity. According to our source, Miss Argent caught her mother with another man, reason why her relationship with her has never been the same. As we know, in the muggle world it might be considered as a mistake that is forgotten as time passes by, but here it's different. This barbaric act remains in the mind of all the wizards and witches who found out about it, and that person gets punished and seen as an adulteress for the rest of her life. However, as Miss Argent's mother is a muggle, she won't be seen as this, but people will remember it was Miss Argent's own mother who did this. This girl might be one of the smartest students of the school (after all, she was chosen as Mr. Diggory's helper), but she isn't famous in this world, reason why this act will not be remembered by important wizards or witches, but will be remembered by all Hogwarts's students until the end.

- Rita Skeeter.

I read it twice, and while I was reading it I could listen to people laughing and gossiping.

"Hey Argent, how does it feels to have a cheater as a mother? And what does your father says about this? Does he hates her as much as you do?" Asked a Ravenclaw's boy, laughing.

"Does your loser-brother knows about this? Or you kept this secret from him?" Asked Goyle.

"Hey, maybe your father isn't your biological father. Have you thought about that mudblood?" Asked Draco Malfoy, chuckling.

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