" The fight"

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It was September first in the morning. I woke up and suddenly I remembered where I was: the burrow. I took a shower before the boys were awake, so I had a lot of time to myself. I stood by Ginny's bed, I couldn't believe she was still asleep.

"Wake up Ginny!" I screamed.
" Why are you waking me up at 5 am? She said, half asleep.
" Well let me see... Maybe because the International Quidditch Cup begins tonight?" I said.
" Shit right" she said.
" C'mon Ginny, you don't have time to take a shower. Just put some clothes on and let's go get breakfast" I snapped. Hell, I was getting tired of this.
" Okay, just relax. By the way, are the boys awake?" She asked.
"Please don't tell me I have to wake them up." I said.
"Sorry, but you're the only one who is ready" she said.

I left the room and stood by Ron's door.
" Honestly, I don't know how I'm going to wake them up." I whispered to myself.

But then I noticed Harry was sweating. He was probably having a nightmare, so I stood by his side and I tried to wake him up.

" HARRY! Are you alright?" I yelled.

He opened his eyes. He was very scared, I could see him in his eyes. It was almost like he was still in the dream. But then he saw me and he relaxed. He took a deep breath and he looked around.

"Clary, I just had a nightmare. When did you arrive?" He asked.
" Last night. You guys were already asleep, so I didn't want to wake you up." I said.
" Oh...okay. I guess I will put something on. When are we leaving?." He asked, looking at Ron.
" Apparently never, since Ronald is still asleep". I said.

I stood by Ron's bed and shook him as hard as I could. I even considered to start throwing punches at him, but I knew that would make things worse.

"Wake up. Wake up Ronald". I yelled.

It took him a while, but finally he opened his eyes. When he saw me, he looked at me like I was some kind of stranger.

" Bloody Hell". He said. He covered his chest with the blanket, almost like he was embarrassed.
" Oh right Ron. Cover your boobs like a girl". I said, laughing.

He looked at me like he wanted to kill me. He didn't want to leave his bed, so I had to drag him out of it. I left them alone and I went downstairs to the kitchen. The twins were already awake, and so were Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. I said good morning and I sat at the table. Minutes later, Ginny and the boys came down. They were literally asleep, which made me smile a little bit. After we finished breakfast, we went to get our packs and we left the house. We were talking and guessing who was going to win in tonight's match, until we arrived to the forest. Then, I saw a man who seemed to be waiting for us. He was an old man with a funny hat on top of his head, and he seemed to be very excited about something.
I saw Mr.Weasley talking to him. His name was Amos Diggory, and he worked at the ministry with Arthur. I was thinking where have I heard that last name before and then, all of sudden, a boy jumped from a tree.

" And this young boy must be Cedric." Said Mr. Weasley.
" I am. Nice to meet you". He said with a smile on his face.

And then I remembered. He was the asshole who once embarrassed my brother in front of the whole school. Aaron got his letter two years after I did, and he was as excited as I was. During his first week, he told me there was a group of Hufflepuff students, the ones were bothering him all the time. I remember that one afternoon the whole school was sitting by the lake, enjoying the sun, when suddenly, Diggory - who happened to be the leader of the group- made my brother to spit slugs, just like Ron had done two years ago. He went to the hospital, spitting slugs in every place he was. After that, he was always called the "slug boy", reason why he barely had any friends. Of course, Diggory never stopped bothering him, not until last year when suddenly he just became a different person. But he was not a different person to me. He was the same asshole who made Aaron's life impossible for a year, and I have hated him since then.

Everyone saluted him, except for me of course. There's no way I was gonna be a nice person, so I just looked at him like I wanted to vanish him from my sight. We all kept walking, but Ginny noticed that I was behaving different. I told her about Aaron, and then she told me that what happened with Aaron happened many years ago, which made me angrier. I started walking faster, I just wanted to be alone. I guess I didn't believe that my friends were actually trying to talk to him, not after what he and his friends did to my brother. But of course, who didn't want to be Cedric Diggory's best friend? After all, he was a senior, captain of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team and definitely one of the most popular and handsome boys at Hogwarts. Of course, I didn't think he was handsome. I was probably the only girl who didn't want to be his friend or something like that.

I kept walking, and I didn't notice I was next to Cedric. When I noticed, it was already to late: he was already smiling at me.

" Hello, I don't think we have met. I'm Cedric Diggory." He said, smiling even harder.
" Yes, I know who you are, Diggory." I snapped. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I knew that if I did, I would punch him in the face, just like I did to Malfoy last year.
" Oh, okay. And how is that?" He said.
" Well, I don't know. Maybe because you are the asshole that made my brother 's life impossible two years ago?" I said. I was going to start screaming in a minute. I needed to calm down.
" Wait...what? What are you talking about?." He asked. He looked confused, but I knew he was just lying.
" Oh, stop pretending Diggory. You know exactly what I'm talking about. His name is Aaron. You embarrassed him in front of the whole school when you were in fifth year". I snapped.
I thought he was going to keep pretending he didn't remember. But then he just laughed. " Oh, I remember that. That was your brother? Sorry about that. I was young and stupid." He said.
I looked at him and suddenly I punched him. Hell, that felt so good. I guess that's the only thing I always wanted to do: to punch him in the face. Fortunately, nobody saw that. They were all so happy to even notice us.
Diggory looked at me and then he smiled. " Well, I deserved that. Again, I'm sorry about your brother". He said.
I almost punched him twice, because I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to make me angrier by pretending that punch was nothing.
I tried to walk even faster, but he reached me and talked to me. " Look, I really am. But it was kinda funny, you know?. I guess I was immature when I was fifteen."
" I don't need to listen to your apologies Diggory. Just stay the hell away from me." I said.
" Fine." He said, smiling.
"Fine." I said, without looking him in the eyes.
" I'll see you at school, I presume." He said.
" Could you just...leave me alone?. I said.
" Don't need to ask me twice." He said. He smiled and he left.

I kept walking, until I joined my friends again. At first, I couldn't get out of my mind what had happened, I guess I was really angry to let it go. Then, I forgot about it. I laughed for a while, and suddenly I realized we were here. The place where the International Quidditch Cup was going to be held. We kept walking and he saw wizards flying around in their brooms, with a smile on their face like they were the happiest people in the planet. Then, the Weasleys said goodbye to the Diggorys, but no single world was said between me and them.

[Hi guys! Please tell me what you think so I can keep writing! Please comment and make a few suggestions if you like. Thank you for reading this. I really hope you're liking it.]

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