"To The Stars"

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Cedric's POV:

The sound of the surrounding crowd was silenced the moment I got inside the maze. I shivered a little bit, but I needed to be brave. I pulled out my wand and muttered Lumos, seeing all the bushes that surrounded me better.

There were small passages all around the maze, and the sky was now grey and there was fog and wind. It was creepy, and I didn't know where to go, But I knew I had to win: I had to get to the cup and touch it so I could go back home with Clary. I sped up and I turned right, then left, and I had my wand high over my head, trying to see as far ahead as possible, but there was nothing in sight. However, I had the feeling that something or someone was watching me, and the maze was growing darker with every step I was taking.

I took another path and my heart froze: there was a dementor gliding toward me. It was about three meters long, and he had his face covered by a gray hood. For a moment I couldn't think of anything, but then I remembered that I did learn the spell to make him go away. I summoned the happiest thought I could, and I concentrated on the thought of getting out of the maze, winning and getting back together with Clary.

I raised my wand and cried, "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver stag erupted from my wand and it hit the dementor. However, the creature didn't go away. It started stumbling and that's then I realized that it wasn't a dementor: It was a boggart.

I raised my wand once more and yelled "Riddikulus!" Then, the boggart turned into smoke and disappeared. I didn't know that my biggest fear was a dementor. My biggest fear used to be insects, but I guess that changed when I faced a few dementors last year at a Quidditch match, reason why Harry fell of his broom.

I sighed and I kept jogging. But there was a scream that shattered the silence, reason why I stopped and I froze. It was Fleur's scream, but it was so fast that silence reigned once more.

I heard someone screaming her name, but I didn't know if that was Harry or Krum. I ran because I wanted to look for her, but there was no sign of her. But I knew that looking for her was useless because she had lost the tournament. One champion was down.

I decided to forget about her, and I took many paths that looked all the same. I didn't find any other creatures, which was great. I kept walking and I went deeper into the maze, hoping that I was taking the right path.

But something made me stop. There was someone following me, and I could hear the thing chasing me. I turned around and I saw Krum. He looked terrible: his clothes were all dirty and his eyes looked... different, like if he wasn't the same person anymore. Before I could ask him anything he pushed me and I noticed he had his wand on me.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

And then I heard his voice. "Crucio!"

Immediately I felt the worst pain I'd ever felt in my entire life. My bones ached and I felt like my head was about to explode. I couldn't stop yelling, twitching and jerking, but then I heard something different: Harry's voice.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled.

The spell hit Krum in the back, and in that same instant I stopped feeling pain. I lay on the grass with my hands over my face, trying not to think of what I'd just experienced.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, grabbing my arm.

"Yeah. I just can't believe it." I said, full of rage. "He deserve to feel the same bloody pain I just felt."

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