Clever Love (ReaderxStan)

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Sighing loudly, anxious was the only word you could think of to describe your mood. You had been waiting for what seemed like years (even though it had only been a month.) to meet Stan, the love of your life going on three years.
He lived all the way across the country from you in a little mountain town in Colorado. You were flying to meet him in only five hours. He was the calm in you, the smile on your face, the air you breathed. Everyone around you always tried to discourage you, telling you he was a cheater or he wouldn't be real.

You have skyped him all the time and even then they would say how you can change your image and voice, but you knew better. He was the one and only, even if he was fake you would most likely still love whoever was behind that screen. Your walls are down and finally after what seemed like another year in time, you boarded the plane.

All the way there you picked your nails and found it hard to get comfortable, this was unbearable. Finally grabbing your luggage, hands almost dropping your bag because they were feeling like noodles at this point and your body shook, searching the airport until you saw a cardboard sign, reading (y/n.)

You ran to him, he was exactly what you pictured and more. It was so amazing seeing this amazing person that you had only seen behind a screen for three years, in the flesh right in front of you. He smelled like the most intoxicating perfection, no words could describe it. He was a towering what seemed over six feet tall, and built, but not the scary type.

The way his raven black hair dipped into his deep blue almost black eyes was amazing. Everything was perfect, he was the humanized perfect you had always known existed despite everyone who told you to quit. It had all been worth it. You felt hot tears rushing down your face as he finally mumbled into your hair, "You're literally everything I have always wanted and I'll never get tired of you. I never want to let you go, you're everything that I want." You felt wetness on the top of your head.

Tears. You thought, this big man was crying. Finally both of you went back to his house, he introduced you to his family. Which all seemed to love you. The time was frozen as you skyped tons of your friends, taking couple pictures out the ass. People that had shipped you all over Facebook. The main supporters of your relationship because everyone you actually knew in person were close minded and knew nothing.

Even after all this time this clever love of yours would never get old and would never fall apart. It had been enough hell to get through the hard part. Everything from now on would be the easiest.

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