No Ordinary Love (NekoReaderxCartman)

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Authors Note: ok ok I am VERY sorry about no update in such a long time very very sorry. I've been busy with finishing all my exams and stuff, but only two more weeks of school for me till I can update more freely. I hope you like this story. And I don't know much about Nekos so please spare me.

You groaned, it was another stupid Monday. Luckily the school year was must almost over. You scratched your ear, and pulled on a normal black hoodie and some skinny jeans. Adjusting so your tail was comfortable, you got picked on more than usual because you were the only neko in town. People thought you were weird with your ears and cat tail.
You only had two or three actual good friends. Kyle, Stan, and Butters. You has only been friends for a year since you just moved in then. You pulled on your red vans and walked to the bus stop. You waved when you saw Kyle waving at you. But immediately frowned when you saw Cartman. He picked on you the most. Always pulling on your tail, flicking your ears, or calling you names. It got under your skin.
"Oh look it's that pussy bitch again." He laughed.
You felt your ears bending a bit like they did when you were upset. You didn't want him to know it got to you, but it really did.
"Shut the fuck up, Cartman! She's fine the way she is! Stop being so cruel, lard ass!" Kyle growled, pulling you under his arm so you buried your face into his jacket.
Cartman actually stopped jeering you with insults and his eyes widened even though you didn't see it. He actually felt bad on the inside this time. After school, you missed the bus so you decided to walk home since you didn't really have any other choice.
"Y/N!" You heard Cartman yell after you.
You froze, but peeped out, "Yes?" Your tail flicked, scared.
"I'm sorry about hurting your feelings. Would you like to go out on a date so I can try to make it up to you. I actually really like you." He panted, you guessed he had ran after you.
You just nodded, your eyes widened when he grabbed your hand and walked you home. Giving you a kiss on the cheek when he walked you to your front door.

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