Poverty Ridden (Kenny x Reader)

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A/N: Okay, since this was the last chapter request I've gotten please comment more on this one. And thank you for 170 reads, it means so much! :D

I groaned, as I continued to walk into the poor side of town, since that's where I lived with my family. We had been extremely poor since my dad left last year and my mom started doing drugs so she couldn't ever keep a job. The only friends I had were Stan, Kyle, Cartman (barely), and Kenny who I'd always had a crush on, but he was always so wound up on other girls to even notice or acknowledge my feelings.

Today since it was almost Christmas I had decided to give him his present I'd worked for months to buy, an Xbox 360. I wasn't even sure if he liked Playstation better, but I guessed. So I got him two games and the Xbox itself. We walked back to my house, and I got it for him, handing the wrapped box to him carefully. He gasped when he unwrapped it, and tears welled up in his eyes.

I felt a twinge of pinching on my heart from even seeing those tears be there. Before I could answer he pulled down his hood, and pulled me into his chest, "Thank you, so much!" His voice cracked mid sentence, making my heart beat faster, as I hesitantly wrapped my arms back around him. He held me back at arms length, and then forcefully pushed his lips into mine, they were sweet and minty, and I couldn't get enough of them.

In the end I guess it doesn't matter how rich you are to determine how happy you are, because as long as I have Kenny, I'll always be rich.

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