Flashbacks (TweekxReader)

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You sighed nervously. Today was it. The day that all the highschool drama and bull shit was worth taking. Graduation. Smiling slightly, with a confidence in it that not many had ever seen. Walking up the stage, you shook Principal Victoria's hand as she handed you your diploma.

You smiled as you stood at the microphone ready to say your little speech/sentence. The last thing most of those assholes would ever hear you say. You smiled widely, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Fellow students. I would like to say I hated most of you so burn in hell. Thank you." You nodded as you walked off the stage content.

After you walked off the stage you heard the whole auditorium go wild. You weren't sure why, but whatever. You went to bathroom and took off the stupid graduation cap and gown, pushing it in your bag. Putting your normal clothes back on and adjusting your hair and your make up.

You jumped and gasped as you ran into none other than your crush since well, eighth grade at the least. He jumped as well and grunted since he hit puberty he never actually squeaked anymore. He looked good. Just a t-shirt, jeans, and converses. Well, in your opinion he always looked good.

He finally calmed down and smiled at you. "GAH! Sorry (y/n.) I didn't mean to scare you, ack!" Finally after another twitch he continued, "I wanted to ask you a- ack! Question." He smiled, nervously. Your eyebrows furrowed as a blush crept up on your cheeks, but nodded, urging him to ask.

He nodded what seemed like a blush crept up on his cheeks as well. "Well, ack! I wanted to know if you'd go on a- a- ack!" He kept choking up so finally you tried to assist him, "A date?" You raised an eyebrow, pushing a strand of your (h/c) hair out of your eyes, but it fell back in your eyes anyways.

He nodded and smiled a bit more than he usually did. "Yeah!" He grinned. "Would you? GAH!" He smiled, picking at his finger nails. You finally nodded, "Uh, yeah sure!" He nodded, hesitantly he took your hand and intertwined your fingers together. You followed him out of the crowd.

Finally you smiled to yourself as you closed the scrap book you had, sliding it back on the shelf. Catching you off your guard again like he had three years ago at the graduation. Tweek wrapped his arms around you from behind, kissing your cheek. "What were you doing?" You felt the twitch go through his body.

"Just reminiscing." You smiled, brightly.

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