Don't Cry (Clyde x Reader)

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I sighed, Clyde and I have been together for four flipping years, moved in together into a small apartment at seventeen and here I am twenty one with Clyde and his cat, and we aren't even engaged. I was in kitchen this morning, making my normal coffee, when finally mister naïve came in, as happy as any other day. The same cheeky grin that made my heart flutter, he kissed my cheek getting pouring some juice for himself, since he had never been a coffee person.

He looked at me, and raised an eyebrow, "Wanna go out tonight?" He asked. I was a bit surprised because we never really went on dates anymore. I was a bit taken aback, but nodded slowly as he ran his hand over his chin and cheeks that had scruff on them probably because he was too scared to shave half the time so I did it for him. He slowly smiled, "Good, because I want to take you out tonight after you get back from work." He said, smoothly. I just smiled, and kissed his cheek as I made my way back into our bedroom.

I pulled on my pine green polo shirt and a pair of skinny khaki jeans, as I pinned my "Tweek's Coffee" pin to my shirt, and put some light make up on, and brush my (h/c). The work day went by pretty slow, slower than usual. When I finally got home, Clyde grinned at me and held out a dress I hadn't worn in at least half a year. It was slim, black, strapless, and had a slash up to my thigh where you could see my leg through. "You should wear this tonight." He smiled, brightly. I groaned a bit but eventually agreed since it wasn't every night we went out like this.

I came back out of the bathroom after I showered, shaved, put on a bit fancier make up than usual, and was dressed. I was surprised to see Clyde had a dress shirt on, and a tie. I helped him tie the tie and we finally left. Half way through the meal I felt something clink on my plate, I saw a bright silver ring with diamonds on it, I gasped and saw the note next to it, "Four years has gone so fast, that I realize I want to send forever with you too." I felt myself tear up, and nodded, and watched him slide the ring on my finger. He mumbled, sliding it on, "You don't have to cry, because I'm gonna be here forever to make you happy."

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