Heartbreak Girl (StanxReader)

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A/N: so I wanted to make this story a little different by doing it in Stan's point of view. Also I think I want to start a Luke Hemmings/5SOS/One Direction fic. I don't know how any of you would feel about that. So comment please.

Stan sighed, 'Why doesn't she ever just stop going back to fucking Clyde.' He's way too bad for her. She deserves better. She deserves.... Me? Nah that's selfish, but I would treat her well, he thought. He looked up at the grey, cloudy sky as he swung on the swing set. He turned his head to the left when he heard a twig snap.

He grinned when he saw you walk up, but frowned when he saw your tears. 'Not again....' He thought as he stood up and embraced you, pulling you into his chest since he was considerately bigger than you. You sobbed into him about how Clyde cheated on you once again with Bebe.

You just felt like you had a huge 'kick me' sign on your back that you could never shake off. Stan understood you though. Barely anyone else did. Other than like your mom. He kissed the top of your head and finally made you sit down with him. He held your hand and put it against his chest.

You raised an eyebrow at him and he spoke before you could ask. "You feel that?" He asked. Referring to his heartbeat and you nodded. "That's what keeps me breathing if you're a walking heartbreak girl." He mumbled before placing his hand lightly on the back of your neck and pulling your head forward till your lips connected.

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