The Devil's Own Pt 2 (DamienxReader)

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After the night the mystery man saved you, you kept searching to try to find that guy. No luck for a good three months and no lead to finding your life saver. You had given up. Finally when it seemed like you were going to give up you found a letter in your mailbox for you.
You opened it and your mouth dropped open. It read, 'if you want to meet me, come to Starks Pond at midnight. TONIGHT.' Signed 'Your love, always' you felt your heart beat faster. You had to go. So that night you snuck out.
You made your way to the pond and you sat on the bench, looking out onto the pond. You looked at your watch 12:20 you were starting to think he whoever it was, wasn't going to show. Until you heard a branch snap from behind you.
Your breathing quickened and your so did your heartbeat. You looked around frantically and saw no one. But finally you there was a hand on your shoulder and you turned around quick enough and saw a boy, or man. Taller than you, black shaggy hair that hung in his eyes, dressed in all black with golden literally golden colored eyes.
He kissed you, a bit rough, but it was sincere and full of wanting, then once again he disappeared with no word.

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