Angel of Darkness (PetexReader)

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A/N- So I think this is the last request I have for an individual character. Then after this one I'm finishing up 50 Shades of Fucked Up. So leave requests in the comments for this chapter. I got the idea for this chapter from the song Angel of Darkness (requested) and from the Fallen series. (Read them!)
Much love, Cyan Hagwood.

Pete sighed, looking up at the grey cloudy sky. Everyday after the tragic one last year around this time haunted him. The day the love of his life. You. Passed away in a fatal car crash. It was too soon. Love was found and love was lost all too quickly.

You watched over him thought everyday and it was so heartbreaking to see him do this to himself. He used to look so lively. Blonde hair and hazel eyes an actual smile. Not smoking and dying his hair to drown out his pain. That wouldn't ever help. He wouldn't even accept you were gone and it had been a whole year.

Life just wasn't fair, and now. As you watched him walk down the alley way. You now were a fallen angel because of you disobeying god to leave Heaven to check on Pete. Now you were destined to walk as a fallen angel disguised as a human. You could still unfurl your wings, but there was never any use.

You so badly wanted to go up and hug and kiss him and let him know you were okay, but as part of your punishment is if you reveal yourself as soon as two finally reunite and say your hellos before you can explain, you're gone and he forgets it all over again. You still remember and he just. Doesn't.

Just so more hurt comes onto you for your punishment. You had done it so many times, and every time it's just as heartbreaking. This time though. This was the last time. God gave you one hundred heartbreaks. This would be the hundredth time. Then you would go back to Heaven for good. Never to see Pete again. You had been putting it off for so long.

You just wanted to keep watching him, but time was rearing short. You would see him again one day, hopefully. You took one big breath and walked in front of him on the sidewalk. You threw your arms around him tightly. "Pete. I have to go quick, but I love you. I'm gone. I'm an angel and I needed to say goodbye to you for good." You said quickly before you could get taken away.

He hugged back as tight as he could muster, "I love you. Please please don't leave me here. I'm miserable without you, (y/n)!" His eyes started to water, then stream down his pale face. You cupped his cheeks in your hands, kissing him lightly. "I don't have a choice. This goth thing. Isn't you, Pete. Do you. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. That's you. Happy. Be happy. I'll see you again someday." You hugged him tightly again.

You felt yourself fading out. It was your time to go back to Heaven. Again. For good this time though. Pete's tears came down harder as he grabbed for you. "No. No. No. Not again. I can't lose you again!" He kept repeating, but as soon as you had came you were gone again, but this time the pain was even more unbearable, but one day time would pass and he would be with you again..

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