Train Wreck Reader x Damien

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You sighed, it had been another long day of just shit. You were walking on the train tracks near your home like you always did. Not really caring if a train hit you. If anything you hoped it would. You heard the roar of a train that you only heard occasionally. Most of the time you would jump out of the way and just walk home. But this time something compelled you to not move. If anything it was like you didn't even have control of your body, like you couldn't move even if you wanted to.

Before you knew it the train hit you straight on. It didn't hurt like you thought it would. You didn't feel anything. You opened your eyes that were now closed and stood up. You looked down and saw your body on the ground dead. But you were interrupted by your thoughts by a voice. "I'm sorry I killed you. You were just so beautiful I wanted you to be with me forever." He smiled slightly.

He was cute, so you agreed. You didn't really talk much so you just usually nodded or shook your head to talk.

The ground next to you and the boy shook and Satan himself came up from the ground. "Damien! What have I told you about killing people for your own gain! She wasn't due for another few years! You are so fucking grounded!" He yelled before bringing both of us back to hell.. forever.

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