Goal! (Ike x Reader)

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A/N sorry for not updating. I've had school and I've been going to bed early. Really sorry guys!

This was it. The huge hockey game. You loved hockey, and loved it even more that your crush played for the team. Not like he would ever notice you. Ike Broflovski. Little brother of another stunningly attractive boy that was older than you. Since you were Ike's age. Which you and Ike had known each other since preschool. Now here you were in highschool. Big big change.

Finally the last point was shot and Ike's team as usual won the match. This was the last one they were playing for the season so it was big for him. Everyone was cheering and giving slaps on the back. Finally things got more quiet and you weren't sure why but you sat back down and stayed silent as well. Ike was handed a microphone and the silence only grew until he actually spoke.

He cleared his throat, "Ladies and gentlemen it has been my honor to play this season with my friends on this great hockey team. And after so long doing it I have to say that putting all my time into this sport has taken a lot of time out of my life that I could spend doing other things. No, I'm not quitting the team but I want to combine my sport and my personal life into one right now. How about that?!" He yelled he last sentence. Sending the crowd into an uproar.

Finally he spoke again. "What I mean is I'm going to take one special girl that I've liked for such a long time and bring her down here right now. I'm sorry before hand to said girl that I've had to put off telling you how I feel, but watching you watch me is so amazing and no words can describe it. Thank you for always cheering for me." He grinned straight at you.

Maybe it was just a coincidence? Finally he pointed at you and you looked around madly. No. He couldn't mean you. Could he? But the more you looked around the more he smiled, "Yeah. (Y/n) with the beautiful (e/c) eyes and the gorgeous (h/c) hair. Come down here right now. You even have one of my jerseys so don't act like you don't know me." He smirked, making you melt.

You walked up and before you could say anything. He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close to him. He was about a head taller than you but he leaned down to kiss you. Sending the crowd into another uproar. This one seemed like another goal for him and for you.

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