The Little Rich Boy (Token x Reader)

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You cursed under your breath as the cold wind whipped your (h/c) hair against your face, wildly. You didn't care enough to do anything about it anyways. See just after school your boyfriend Clyde Donovan broke up with you, you had been together since eighth grade! And freshman year was pretty much over, and why you may ask was because of goddamn Bebe Stevens. That slut. You sighed loudly, as you sat on a log a little past Kenny McCormick's house.

I tried to hide as you heard Craig Tucker's group of friends that included Clyde, but you fell and broke a twig that attracted their attention and was forced to go talk to them. Token was the only one you actually liked, you did have a crush on him, but it was a small crush. Plus your family wasn't positive toward me dating an African American. They aren't racists they're just like that.

Token waved at me slightly, "Hey, (y/n)!" He gave me a bright smile. I wasn't sure if he even knew what had happened between Clyde and you. You were pretty sure he did though by the way Clyde and the rest of the boys exchanged looks to each other. You ignored it, and hung out with them until sun down. You started walking home until you heard Token yelling after me, "Hey! Wait up?" He panted as he finally got to where you were. "Yeah?" You asked nervously while picking at your nails.

He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly, "I.. Uh wanted to walk you home. Or buy you some dinner." He chuckled, and flashed another white smile. So we walked to the Village Inn, and sat down by the end of the meal you had forgotten all about Clyde and stupid Bebe. He handed me a fortune cookie for some odd reason but I broke it and ate half of it, pulling out the fortune where it said 'I know you've had your heart broken in two, but trust me I'll make it up to you.' You felt a few tears prick in your eyes, no one had ever done something like that for me. You nodded a yes to him and threw my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

I guess the rich boys aren't always what they're made out like.

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