Young Blood (Vampire Kyle)

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You were walking home from the Village Inn, you had been working as a waitress for a few months since you had turned eighteen and your drunken parents kicked you out. It was midnight and you hated working the closing shift. South Park got really scary at night. Especially from all the news reports about kidnappings and murders.

You heard footsteps walking behind you, you felt your fear rising in your throat and you increased your speed. Finally, you fell back on your butt, you'd ran into someone. You looked up and saw what looked like a robber.

He grabbed you by your shoulders, standing you back on your feet roughly. "Hey girlie, you got any money on you?" You shook your head vigorously. "N-no." You whispered. He rolled his eyes, "Well I guess you can pay me in another way." He smirked. Then before you could reply he knocked you out.

When you woke up you were in a dimly lit bedroom and felt a hunger you'd never felt before. You sat up on the bed you were laid on. Then tried to let your eyes adjust to the lighting. But, it was hard and the small bit of light that showed through burned you like you had touched straight fire. You cringed into the shade. And noticed also your sense of smell was ten times more improved than before.

You saw a long mirror hanging on the back of the door. You stood up, walking over to it. You gasped, the reflection looking back at you.. You weren't even sure if it was you at all. Your originally (h/c) was now black and no longer (h/l) it was perfectly shaped around your shoulders. You were now a scary pale and your eyes were no longer (e/c) they were golden. You yelped as you bit your cheek because you felt a stabbing pain in your mouth. You opened your mouth and saw your canines were way longer and sharper. Also the canines behind those were the same way.

Your nails were also like stiletto nails and felt harder than nails.. You heard footsteps coming your way. You went back to the bed quickly which actually felt like you ran in a blur. The door opened and a guy who looked about your age walked in. He had red hair and was also deathly pale. He studied you carefully, "Are you alright?" He finally asked.

You nodded, "Um.. Yes. But, who are you and why am I here and what happened to me?" You asked quickly.

He chuckled, "I'm Kyle. You're here because I saved you from that asshole who tried to rape you. He beat you so badly though you were on the verge of death. So bare with me. I'm a vampire and I had to change you to keep you alive." He explained.

You nodded slowly, "Well thank you.. So I guess since we are going to be spending a lot of time together we should get along."

He nodded, "I suppose so." He leaned over and kissed your forehead.

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