For The Love of The Game

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Aaron's POV

Aaron woke with a start. He'd been sleeping, and none to comfortably. Looking up with wide, tired eyes he saw a familiar face staring down at him.

"Hey bud," said DJ as he sat down in one of the waiting room chairs beside him. Aaron sat up slowly, twisting his neck to hear a dissatisfying pop. His entire body was stiff and ached. He had fallen asleep in one of the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room a few hours ago. He had been waiting with Lacey.

It broke his heart to see her so upset and him completely helpless to do anything for her. The only thing that he could do was to hold her as they waited for any news from the doctors, and in the meanwhile do his best to be strong for her. Tense minutes lead to nail biting hours and still no word came. He tried his best to stay awake but in the end his body's needs won out. He let out a yawn and stretched his legs, frowning at the tuxedo he still wore.

"Here ya go. This outta help you wake up," DJ said offering Aaron a cup of coffee. Aaron took it gratefully.

He took a large gulp, ignoring how his tongue burned from the warm liquid. He looked around for Lacey but didn't see her anywhere in the waiting room. He felt a sinking feeling in his gut. She had been here with him before he had fallen asleep. What if the doctors had come in while he was out? What if it had been bad news and he wasn't there for Lacey? He began to panic.

"Looking for Lace?" DJ asked noticing his frantic looking.


"She's in the break room on the phone with Hannah checking in on her brothers."

"Did the doctors come in while I was out?" he asked cautiously.

"I don't know. I left with Nicole to go and pick up some actual food for everyone. If they did come in I don't think they delivered bad news. Lace didn't seem any worse than before," DJ taking a sip from his own coffee.

Aaron let out a strangled sigh. He felt awful for Lace. She had so much on her plate. Her dad was the last parent she had and he knew that she was close to him. She was afraid she'd lose him and Aaron honestly couldn't imagine how scared she must be. But on top of all of that she also had her brothers to worry about. They were both so young and Lace was doing the best she could to keep them sheltered from this. He needed to make sure she was ok, to see if she needed anything.

"I'm going to go and check on her," Aaron said as he stood. "Thanks for the coffee," he said to DJ, gesturing to his cup.

"Anytime," DJ said with a nod.

Aaron walked down the bright white hallway towards the break room. The brightness of the hospital and its lack of windows made Aaron lose track of time. He didn't know how long he'd been there anymore. It could have been a couple of days or a couple of weeks. Looking down at his tux he saw how wrinkled it was. He couldn't resist a small smile as he remembered the dance. He was able to dance and laugh with Lace. And she looked so beautiful, and she even won queen. He knew it meant a lot to her. It seemed so long ago, holding Lacey close, seeing her smile and laugh at all of her friends. Aaron wished they could both just go back.

He coud hear Lace before he saw her. He stepped into the break room to find Lacey seated at a circular table talking on the phone. He stopped in the doorway and listened to the end of her conversation.

"We'll be home as soon as we can buddy," she said quietly. Aaron couldn't help but to notice how her shoulders sagged and lines of worry seemed to be permanently streaked across her face. She was still wearing her beautiful dress and she had Aaron's tux jacket drapped around her shoulders. As she spoke her voice was strained. Every word she spoke seemed as if she were fighting tears. It hurt him to see her so stressed. "But until dad and I get home you and Noah be good for Hannah, Ryan, and Tristin, do you understand?" She paused for a moment. "I love you too. Let me talk to Hannah. Hey Han, look I'll try to get home as soon as I can. Like I said my dad's credit card is there, if you guys need anything just give me a call." With that Lacey hung up the phone. Aaron watched as she put her head in her hands and released a heavy sigh. He couldn't hold back anymore, he walked into the room and took the seat beside her.

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