For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey rolled over as her alarm went off. She contemplated throwing it across the room and going back to bed but thought better of it. She rolled out of bed and walked into the kitchen where her dad was already up. He gave her a smile when she walked in.

"Good morning dear. How did you sleep?"

"Alright just not enough," she told him as she grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry.

"Well do you have any plans tonight?"

"Yeah I was planning on going to the boys basketball game tonight. Why?"

"No reason. I have a conference with Noah's day care teacher this evening so we might be a little late. I didn't want you to wait up."

"Oh it's fine. I probably won't be home til late too."

Lacey walked out of the kitchen and back to her room. She looked in her closet and couldn't really decide what to wear. She finally decided to dress nice for once. She pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a white button down collar shirt. When she walked to her bathroom to do her hair she looked in the mirror. "Might as well leave it down for once," she said to herself. As she brushed through her thick brown hair she thought to herself. She hoped that Aaron would have a good game. She also wondered if he would be nervous at all today. Finally she was ready. She grabbed a light jacket and her gym bag and walked out to her car.

As she pulled up to school she saw Tara and Tristin walking in. She ran to catch up with them.

"Hey Lacey," they both said.

"Hey guys. So what are your plans for tonight?"

"Homework. I have a huge project coming up for spanish. i know I'm gonna fail that class," Tristin said with a frown.

"What about you Tara?"

"Nothing. I hadn't planned on doing anything," she admitted.

"Well how about going to a basketball game with me tonight? The boys are playing so that means that Korey will be there," Lacey hoped that that would be enough to get her to go. Tara didn't really care for any other sport except for the one she played.

"Ok sounds fun! And we can ask Nicole to come too."


The bell rang and they said their goodbyes. Lacey walked to math class andsat down. She was surprised to see that Aaron wasn't in class yet. Normally he beat her there. Oh well, she knew he wouldn't miss school today. Not since he had a game tonight.


Aaron sped into the school parking lot. His alarm clock hadn't gone off for some reason and he was late for school. He parked his car and rushed into the building. The hallways were nearly deserted. He ran past the few remaining people in the hallway, ignoring the looks they were giving him as he raced by. He made it to the class just as the bell rang. He gave a sigh of relief. As he made his way to his seat he noticed girl sitting in Lacey's seat. He couldn't see her face because it was down looking at the mathbook. As he made his way closer she looked up and smiled at him. It was Lacey. He had never seen her with her hair down before. Aaron just stood and stared for a minute. She looked....beautiful. Her hair was longer than he thought it was since she always seemed to wear it up. It framed her face perfectly. Her eyes seemed to stand out more as well. Aaron was rooted to the spot.

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