For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey turned and walked inside the house closing the door behind her. She walked back to her room and immeadiately crashed on her bed. As she looked up at her ceiling she replayed the nights events. She had had a great time at the bon fire. Her and Aaron had so much fun. And at the end of the night they had kissed....well basically kissed. Lacey couldn't get the smile to go away. Aaro had been so close to her. And she remembered being surrounded by the smell of his cologne as he pulled her closer. And just as his soft lips grazed hers, her dad had went and ruined it. She knew she'd have to yell at him for that one in the morning. She sat up and pulled Aaron's jacket off of her. She brought it up to her face, and she breathed in the smell of it. It smelled just like him. She layed down and slept with his jacket. And as she fell asleep she replayed the entire night in her dreams.


Lacey woke up late the next morning. She had slept right through her alarm going off. By the time she got to school everyone was already in their first class. Right before she got to math class her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out to see a text from Aaron.

'Where r u?'

She rolled her eyes and walked into math class. Aaron gave her a brilliant smile when he saw her. As she sat down she turned and looked at him.

"Trying to skip today?" he asked her.

"Alarm troubles."

"Oh. So I was wondering what are your plans this Friday?"

Lacey smiled to herself. Was Aaron going to ask her out on another date? "I'm not sure. Why?"

"Well, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to, I don't know, go with me to the movies."

It took everything Lacey had night to jump up and down in her seat. She was so excited. But she didn't want to seem to eager. "I don't think I have anything on my schedule, but I'll have to double check."

"OK!" Aaron said smiling at her.

The bell rang to signal the end of the class. They both gathered their things and walked out of the class.

"Well I guess I'll see you later," Lacey said to Aaron.


They both walked off towards their classes. Lacey didn't know it at the time but that was going to be the only normal part of her entire day.


Sometime after lunch that day things started to get a little wierd for Lacey. As she was walking towards her band class she noticed everyone staring at her. It seemed like everyone in the halls was just looking straight at her. She put her head down and kept walking. Until someone walked right in front of her. She looked up on to see that it was Charlie Brockway. He was the most popular guy in Lacey's grade. His chesnut colored hair was a tad shaggy and his hazel eyes seemed to have a bright shine to them as he looked at Lacey with a big smirk.

"Uhhh, hi Charlie," Lacey finally said.


"Can I help you with something?" She had no idea what he would want. She never talked to him.

"I was just wondering if you would like to, I don't know, go out sometime. Like this weekend?"

Lacey could feel her eyes go wide with shock. Was Charlie really asking her out? Really?

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