For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey smiled as she walked into school on Monday morning. The weekend had flown by. Aaron had texted her like he said he would. It wasn't anything special. Just an occasional "Hey what's up?" but she was still happy about it. When she finally got to her and her friend's usual table she noticed Nicole looking extrememly upset.

"Hey," Lacey said to everyone.

"Hey," said Ryan. Everyone else just looked at her.

"Uh....what are you guys staring at?" No one said anything.

"Well I guess I'll go first in telling you what's wrong with me!" Nicole said. "I texted you a MILLION times this weekend and didn't recieve one single reply! You leave Ryan's house Friday with none other than Aaron Matthews and you don't even care to inform me of what may or may not have happened. You may hold some serious gossip Lacey!" Lacey sat there blown away while Nicole finished her rant.

"I am sorry Nicole but I was busy. If you want I'll tell you what happened..." Nicole immeadiately perked up.

"Start talking."

Lacey had just enough time to tell them about the whole weekend when the bell rang for class.

"So you pulled the old Dr. Pepper prank on her huh?" Ryan asked smiling at Lacey.

"Yup. I learned from the master," she said hiting Ryan on the arm.

"You are so dead. Lauren Kassing is NOT going to go down easily." Nicole warned.

"Honestly I am really not scared," said Lacey.

"Yeah we got your back anyway," Tara said.

"I know!" Lacey smiled at her friends. They had been through a lot together. All the way since diaper days, they had been together. She knew that they would have her back no matter what, no questions asked. She realized she had to get to class so she waved goodbye to her friends and marched off to math class. When she walked through the door she didn't try to hide the smile she had when she saw Aaron. He looked up and smiled at her as she sat down.

"Hey!" he said.


"Ready for our awesome math class?" Lacey gave him a grimace.

"Not quite." Aaron laughed.

"So Korey and DJ are talking about getting a bunch of people together to meet down by the river and have a big bon fire on Wednesday night? You in?" Lacey could see the anxiousness in his eyes.

"Nope can't." she said. She almost felt bad for saying no. Aaron had a visible frown and it was obvious that he was upset she wasn't going to go.

"Why not?"

"Because I have a game that night," Lacey said getting her note book out of her bag. She peeked at Aaron who seemed to think that that was an ok excuse. She smiled.

"Well what if I talk them into doing it some other night?" He asked her.

"Sure I guess I'll go. Can my friends come too?" Lacey asked. She figured Aaron would make some excuse like, "I'll have to ask, it's not my party." but she was pleasently surprised when he agreed enthusiastically.

"Of course they can! I would have invited them anyway," he said laughing.

Temple walked in and the class began. Lacey was trying to take notes that she knew she would never use anyway when she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around she saw a note sitting on the edge of Aaron's desk. He motioned for her to take it. She took it and turned back around. Lacey opened it and read it.

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