For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey went to school the next morning, wodering what it would bring. She was still thinking about what Aaron had done but she shook it off as she walked to class. She stopped at her locker to grab her books.

"Lacey!" She turned and saw Ryan walking towards her.

"Hey Ryan!" she smiled as he threw an arm around her shoulders.

"So me and the gang decided, major kareoke competition at the house tonight. You're there right?"

"Of course!"

"Good becuase I can't not have my partner there when we sing Summer Nights from Grease!"

Lacey couldn't help but to laugh. Ryan often schedule random events at his house. He had a bigger house, with a basement so the group could get pretty loud and no one would say anything. Ryan sang in the choir at school. He was extremely good. Lacey knew she wasn't the best singer, but out of everyone else in the group she was the best.

"Do I need to stop by and pick up pizza on my way from practice?" Pizza was the norm for these kind of get togethers.

"Yeah definetly! We'll call it in so it'll be ready."

"Ok well I'll see you tonight." Lacey was getting ready to leave Ryan but just then Aaron walked up.

"You'll see who tonight?" He looked between Ryan and Lacey. Ryan's arm was still drapped over her.

"She's gonna see me tonight. We've got a date!" Ryan joked pulling Lacey closer to him. She looked at Aaron. She noticed how his eyes got wide an then his attitude changed.

"Really? And where are you two going?" his asked, Lacey could feel the underlying attitude in his voice.

"We aren't going on a date," Lacey said throwing Ryan's arm off of her. She turned and looked at Aaron. "Me and my friends are having a get together tonight at Ryan's house."

"Oh." Lacey wondered why Aaron sounded relieved. "That's cool. What all are you guys going to do?"

"Major kareoke, prolly some DDR thrown in there, and if Lacey has anything to say some Guitar Hero competitions too." Ryan smiled.

"Really? Sounds like a lot of fun."

"Oh it is! Hey you can come if you'd like," Ryan offered.

"What?!" Lacey said.

"Yeah Hannah can't come because the yearbook team is meeting after school, we do need another person to make the teams even."

"I don't think Aaron would want to," Lacey tried to say.

"No I'd love to! What time?" Aaron said smiling.

"Well everyone will get there at about 4 but Lacey doesn't get out of practice til 5 so you can come with her." Ryan suggested.

"Wait I dont' think--" Lacey was cut off.

"Deal! I'll see you later then Ryan. And we had better get into class," Aaron said looking at Lacey. She just rolled her eyes and walked in. Now Aaron was going to go hang out with her friends. This was getting to be too much. She had a million questions buzzing around in her head. Why did he want to hang out with her friends? Didn't he have his own? Why did he sound so annoyed when he though her and Ryan were going on a date? Why would he care? Lacey walked to her desk and put her head down. She wasn't going to even bother taking notes today, it didn't matter anyway, she wouldn't understand them.

"Hey," Aaron said. "Are you ok?"

Lacey looked up at him. He actually looked concerned about her. His crystal blue eyes were wide, with what looked almost like worry. Lacey ignored it. "Yeah I'm fine, just a headache."

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