For The Love Of The Game

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Aaron held the door to Ms. Andreson's open for Lacey. The bell ringing as the door opened.

"After you my lady," he playfully joked, bowing as she walked by.

"What a gentleman," Lacey said smiling at him as she walked into the small ice cream parlor.

They both walked up to the counter just as the old woman came around the corner. She smiled when she saw them.

"Who had a game tonight?" Ms. Anderson asked smiling at them both.

"Aaron did," Lacey said.

"And did you win?"

"Yeah we won," Aaron answered her.

"And did you play good?" Aaron couldn't help but to smile. Ms. Anderson had to be one of the nicest people he had ever met. Before he could answer her though, Lacey jumped in.

"He played AMAZING!" Lacey said grabbing his hand. "He was the best one out there."

Aaron looked down at her. She was smiling up at him. Looking at her smile he felt butterflies rise in his stomach. He'd never seen a more beautiful smile.

"Well is that so? I think that deserves an extra scoop of ice cream then."

"Sounds great," Aaron replied.

Aaron and Lacey got their ice cream and sat in a booth. They ate quietly at first. Aaron kept sneaking peeks at Lacey when she wasn't looking. He let out a laugh when he saw her get ice cream on her nose. He grabbed a napkin and reached over and wiped the ice cream off for her.

"There!" he said still smiling at her. He felt the butterflies in his stomach move again when her cheeks filled with a rosey blush. He wanted to reach out and rub her cheeks with his fingers but he held back. She soon changed the subject though, making it much easier on his self control.

"So are you excited about what the Rockhill coach said?" she asked him.

"Oh yeah. Everything he was better than I could have even hoped for!" Aaron was telling the truth. He hadn't expected the coach to be so thrilled with him. And for him to say that he wanted Aaron in a Rockhill uniform soon, it almost seemed to good to be true. It gave him a slight ray of hope that maybe he could be able to play for Rockhill University next year. Lacey's next words seemed to dash all of that hope, as she brought up an uncomfortable subject.

"So what did the UCLA coach say?" she asked not looking Aaron directly in the face.

Aaron knew she hadn't meant to bring up a topic that he didn't want to talk about, but he had planned on telling her anyway. "He said I played good. Said that he would like me to come out and try out."

"So he didn't even say yes to you playing on the team?!" Lacey asked, eyes wide.

"No not directly," Aaron said shrugging his shoulders. He was actually ok with what the coach had said. He was afraid it would have been a complete yes. Then his fate really would have been sealed. There would have been no doubt that he would be going to UCLA.

"I can't believe that! I don't think I have ever seen you play a better game. And to him that wasn't good enough to garuntee you a solid position on the team? I don't understand it," Lacey said loudly.

Aaron smiled at her. The amount of passion she had was incredible to him. The way she got so fired up about things, it made him happy. He'd never met anyone quite like her, and he knew he never would again. There was only one Lacey and she was with him. Lost in his dreamlike state Aaron wasn't paying attention to what Lacey had just asked him.

"Huh? Sorry. What was that?" he asked.

He saw Lacey give him a small smile from across the table. "When are you going to talk to your dad?"

There was another uncomfortable subject. This was what Aaron had been dreading the most. He did NOT want to have to tell his dad that he didn't want to go to UCLA. This was his dad's dream. He wanted Aaron to follow in his footsteps. He wanted Aaron to live the life he had. The only thing Aaron couldn't make his dad understand was that he didn't want that life. He had his own dreams, and those dreams did not take place at UCLA.

"I don't know."

"You have to Aaron. Now that you know that the Rockhill coach wants you, you have to say something to your dad."

"I know! I know! It's just gonna be really difficult. I don't know if I can do it," Aaron finished the last part in a whisper.

Aaron looked down at his lap. This was probably going to be one of the most difficult things he would ever have to do, but he had to. He looked up when he felt a warm hand on his. When he looked up he saw that he was staring into the most beautiful face in the entire world. He stared into Lacey's deep chocolate brown eyes. They held so much emotion. It was like she was really talking to him through her eyes. He saw so much in them; compassion, hope, pity, strength, and most  Looking into those eyes Aaron found courage. He felt like at that very moment, if his dad were there, he could confront him, not worrying about what the consequences would be.

"Aaron, you don't have to go through this by yourself, if you don't want," Lacey said squeezing his hand.

"Really? You'd be there with me?" Aaron felt hope. He could face his dad if Lacey was with him. He felt like he could do anything if Lacey was by his side.

"If you wanted me to, yes."

Aaron grabbed Lacey's hands in his own. He smiled at her. No one had ever offered to do anything so important for him before. "Of course I do. Oh thank you Lacey."

She returned his smile. "I told you I would do anything for you Aaron." She said it barely above a whisper.

"Ok well how about dinner at my place on Saturday. I'll tell my dad then."

"Sounds like a plan."

They finished their ice cream and then drove back to the school so Aaron could get his car. Before he climbed out Aaron turned to Lacey. He smiled at her, and she returned it. Aaron wanted to tell her so many things. He wanted to tell her how thankful he was for everything she had done and was going to do for him. But while looking into her eyes again he knew that words couldn't say enough. So Aaron simply leaned in close to her. He could feel his heart quicken. He reached up and cupped her cheek with his hand. He felt her lean into his touch. His breath caught. He leaned in lower, barely grazing his lips with hers. His lips fit with hers perfectly. It didn't take long for hers to begin moving along with his. Aaron could feel the tingling sensation begin in his lips and slowly move throughout his whole body. He wanted to deepen the kiss, to make it last longer but he knew that she needed to get home. With every piece of strength he had he pulled his lips from hers. He stared into her eyes. They were glossey and seemed hazy. Aaron gave her a slight smile.

"Good night Lace."

"Night," she said barely above a whisper.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

With that Aaron climbed out of the car. He closed the door and grabbed his keys out his pocket and unlocked his car. He got in and started it. In his rearview mirror he could see Lacey drive away, and it took everything he had not to drive after her and pick up where they had left off.


I know that this is ridiculously short but I just wanted to update. Next chapter will have more going on! PLEASE vote comment or fan! Thanks so much!

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