For The Love Of The Game

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"What?!" Aaron couldn't believe that she had really just asked him that. She couldn't really think that he would date her.

"You heard me Aaron. If you want me to make this little rumor go away then that's all you have to do."

"No way Lauren. You're crazy."

"Fine. You don't have to. But this rumor is only going to get worse. And you know that." She let out a small chuckle. "She told me to do my worst. So I did. We see who's laughing now."

Aaron felt himself shaking. He didn't understand why anyone would want to hurt Lacey in anyway. He had to protect her. And if that meant 'dating' Lauren he would. He would do anything if it meant helping Lacey. "Look Lauren, how long do I have to do this?"

"Well I'll make it easy on you. One date."

Aaron's eyes widened. "Just one? That's it?"

"Well one whole day for just me and you. See, I know that that is all it will take to make you realize that you belong with me." She started to walk towards him. He could see her eyes taking on a brightness to them. When she got to within a foot of him, she reached out and put her hands on his chest and looked up at him. "You won't want to go back to her." Aaron rolled his eyes. She didn't know how wrong she was. He was doing this just for Lacey and after this one date, there would be no more Lauren.

"Fine. One date." Aaron finally gave in. Lauren gave him a smile.

"Good. This Saturday. I'll let you know everything else later." She started to walk back to the dry erase board and finish cleaning it. Aaron turned toward the door.

"Oh and Aaron," Lauren said. Aaron turned towards her. "I think it's best if you don't hang out with Lacey for a while." Aaron glared at her.

"Fine, but you start getting this rumor to go away TODAY!" he said.

"Consider it done."

With that Aaron turned and marched out of the choir room. He couldn't believe that he had agreed to this. But it was for Lacey. That made it all ok. He would do anything for her. He walked into the gym and began to shoot some hoops. He thought while he shot. How was he going to explain this to Lacey. He couldn't tell her the truth. What was he supposed to say? "Uh yeah Lacey, I know Lauren started this awful rumor about you and the only way I could make her stop was to date her. So don't be mad or anything ok?" He scoffed at it. There was no way he could tell her that. Besides even if she did believe him she would feel awful. Like this was all her fault, which it wasn't. He'd just have to tell her that he was going to go on a date with Lauren. He'd tell her the truth when it was all over. He decided that he needed to go and check on her. When he got to the nurses' office he saw Clyde sitting in a chair. His eyes went wide when he saw Aaron standing there. Aaron gave him a meanacing glare.

"Hello dear. What can I do for you?" the nurse asked him.

"I was just wanting to see Lacey."

"Oh she ran to the bathroom. I really don't think she's feeling well. You can wait if you'd like."

Aaron decided to just wait outside of the bathroom. He didn't want to sit in the same room as Clyde and take the chance of killing him. He walked out and waited outside for Lacey to come back.


Lacey left to go to the bathroom just as Clyde was walking in. His face was bloody. Lacey noticed that he had a busted lip as well. She wondered what happened to him, but she wasn't about to stick around and find out. She walked into the large girls bathroom and closed the stall door. She really didn't need to go she just wanted to be away from everyone. Just then she heard a couple of girls walk in. She recognized their voices as Kimberly Micheals and Serena Lee.

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