For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey walked into school on Monday morning. She walked in and sat at her usual table with her friends. They were talking and didn't really pay her any attention when she sat down, which she was ok with. She started to think about how the previous week had played out. After Aaron's game on Tuesday Lauren had pulled her little stunt and kissed Aaron in front of the whole school. Even thinking about it now made Lacey cringe on the inside. Aaron had came rushing to her house to apologize, and Lacey couldn't help but to listen to him. The rest of that week had been a little awkward for both of them. They talked very little during math class and Aaron didn't text her at all. Lacey figured that she'd blown it. She shouldn't have acted like such a huge baby, but she couldn't help it. She stood up at the bell rang for class. When she walked in she saw Aaron sitting there like always. She sat down and Aaron immediately started talking to her.

"Hey Lace," he said with a happy tone to his voice.

"Hey," she said a with a little less enthusiasim than his. She saw him sigh and then look at her with eyes that seemed to be filled with what looked like remorse.

"Look Lacey, about last week, I'm sorry," he started, but Lacey cut him off.

"Aaron there really is nothing to be sorry for."

"No there is, and I need to get it out. After the whole thing with Lauren after my game I thought all the water would be under the bridge but it wasn't. I got the feeling that you were still mad at me. I wanted to give you your space and wait until you came around. But I think now I realize that I may have come off like a jerk and I just want you to know that I am sorry. I'm not mad at you or anything, and I really hope you aren't upset with me," he finished the last part looking down at his desk.

Lacey couldn't stop the deep breath that she let out. She was so relieved that he wasn't mad at her. She put a smile on. "It's fine Aaron. I'm not mad at you, promise." He looked up at her and smiled.


Class began and Lacey turned around. She felt like a weight had been taken off of her. She had spent the whole weekend wondering why Aaron wasn't talking to her. She had no idea why she cared so much about what Aaron thought though. Sure she liked him. Ok, she really liked him. But still, no guy should have this much of an affect on her. Class went by surprisingly fast. When the bell rang Aaron and her walked out into the hallway. He started to walk with her to her class.

"Ummm, isn't your class the other way?" she asked him.

"Yeah but I need to talk to you."

"Really? About what?" What else could he possibly want to talk to her about.

"Well you remember how a couple weeks ago I asked you about going to that bon fire party down by the river?"

"Oh yeah! What about it?" Actually she had forgotten all about it.

"Well it's gonna be this Wednesday and I was wondering, well hoping, that you still might want to go with me..." his voice trailed off. They had reached the gym. Lacey looked up at him. He was looking away from her. This was the nervous Aaron that she thought was so adorable. It was treat to see him like this. Normally when Lacey saw him he seemed so in control. But there were times when he talked to her that his wall of confidence seemed to just fall down. She liked it.

"Of course I still want to go with you."

Aaron snapped his head up to look at her. His big smile was something that made Lacey laugh. "Really? That's great! Well DJ and Korey said that it's gonna start at about 7 down at Bird's Nest Lodge. How about I pick you up?"

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