For The Love Of The Game

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As Aaron drove away from the basketball court he couldn't help but to smile. He'd finally done it. He'd kissed her. And it was amazing. Like nothing he'd ever experienced. He had kissed his fair share of girls before but never had just a simple kiss affected him so much. He could still feel his lips tingling. As he got farther out of town he started to think about his time with Lacey. He remembered how she had opened up to him. He hadn't ever known anything about her mom. The one time he had asked her about it, she didn't say much. But to know that she had died, he felt so sorry for Lacey. When she had broke down all he had wanted was to make her stop crying. But there wasn't anything he could do, he just held her in his arms. Even though it was a sad subject, he was still glad that she had told him. That meant that she trusted him, right?

He parked his car in the garage and walked into the house. He walked up the spiral staircase to his room. As he passed by his dad's offce he noticed the light was on. Aaron wondered what he was doing awake so late. Aaron walked over to his bed and collapsed. What Lacey had told him ran through his head. He would call the Rockhill University coach tomorrow, and he would apply there too. He knew that he would have to talk to his dad at some point in time, but first he wanted to see if the coach wanted him on the team or not. He rolled over and yawned. He would get to see Lacey tomorrow. Hopefully the Lauren had kept her end of the deal and the rumor would be gone by the time school came aroud. But the best part was that he would get to see Lacey tomorrow. Aaron closed his eyes because he knew the sooner he fell asleep the sooner he'd get to see her.


Aaron got to school on Monday anxious to see Lacey. It finally dawned on him that he really didn't know what they were. They had kissed but he'd kissed lot of girls before and that was all it was, a kiss. Did Lacey think of it that way? He needed to talk to her and find out. So when math started and she wasn't there Aaron began to feel worried. Finally he pulled out his phone and sent her a text.

'Hey where r u?'

It didn't take long for him to get a reply.

'I'm not coming today'

Aaron felt his face form into a frown. 'Y not?'

'I'm sick....2 much late nite bball :)'

Aaron smiled but quickly stopped. She was sick because he had made her get out of bed at almost 2 in the morning to come and see him. It was his fault that she was sick.

'I'm sry :( Ne thing I can do?'

' attention to Temp's lecture'

He rolled his eyes. She would be more worried about him not paying attention in class.

'Do u have ne chicken noodle soup?' That was always what he had when he was sick.

"Nope all out.' was her reply. Now he really felt bad.

'Can I call u after school?' he asked her.

Her reply made him smile. 'Aaron wat have I told u. U can always call me, for ne thing, no matter wat.'

'K. Get some rest.'

Aaron sat through the rest of math not really paying attention. Now that he knew that Lacey wouldn't be in school the rest of the day, he really didn't want to be there. He decided that he would go ahead and keep his promise to Lace. After the bell rang he stopped by the counselor's office.

"Well hello Aaron," said the counselor Mrs. Johnson.

"Hi." Aaron smiled at her. He had always liked Mrs. Johnson. She was a small woman with a big smile that never seemed to go away.

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