For The Love Of The Game

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Lacey was relieved when the bell finally rang. She grabbed her stuff and rushed out of class. She started to feel better once she was in the locker room. Tara and Tristin were already there. Lacey threw her stuff down and opened her gym locker.

"Hey Lacey. What's wrong," Tara asked. She never missed anything.

"Nothing, just that math class makes my head hurt," she lied. No way was she gonna say that she hated the fact that Aaron Matthews sat right behind her in class and it bugged her.

"Yeah I hear ya," Tristin laughed.

They changed into thier gym clothes and walked out for class. The three of them walked over to the bleechers and sat down and waited for class to start. Lacey was ok with gym. All three of them were athletes. Tara and Tristin played softball, while Lacey played basketball. When the class started the gym coach Mr. Thompson accounced that for the first day they would be played kick ball. Everyone seemed to be okay with it. Of course Lacey's team won and soon class was over. The bell rang and it was time for lunch. Lacey, Tara and Tristin walked to the table and sat down, right in the middle of Nicole's gossip report.

"--and so Shelly is gonna leave him alone because of Lauren."

"What was that?" asked Tara.

"Gossip report," said Ryan. "You haven't missed anything important, trust me." he said. Lacey couldn't help but chuckle.

"Says you! This is what's going on in our school. You're lucky I care enough to even keep you in the loop!"Nicole said. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"What gossip could you possible have after the first day?" asked Tristin.

"Aaron Matthews and Lauren Kassing." said Nicole with a sly grin on her face.

"What about them?" asked Trisint taking a bite of her turkey sandwhich.

"Well apparently Aaron has been talking to Shelly Morton, but Shelly is best friends with Lauren." They all just stared at Nicole, who acted like that one little sentence should explain everything.

"So?" Lacey finally broke the silence.

"SO!?!? Everyone knows Lauren would give up her right arm to be with Aaron!" Nicole said throwing her hands up in the air.

"So what's the big deal?" asked Tara.

"OMG! You guys are so dumb. When the Queen Bee wants something, she gets it. Lauren wants Aaron, and the one standing in the way is..."

"Shelly," said Lacey.

"Exactly! Lauren told Shelly that she had to leave Aaron alone because she had dibs on him first." Nicole said leaning in closer to everyone.

"And Shelly listened?!?" asked Tristin.

"Well duh! Of course she did. It was either be with Aaron and wait for Lauren to disown her and ruin it, or give up Aaron and keep her second in command spot. The choice is pretty easy."

"Lauren is such a witch," Lacey said take a bite of her salad.

"Speak of the devil," said Tara.

Lacey looked over at the entrance to the lunchroom. In walked Lauren Kassing and her usual possie. Lauren was in front of the group. Whe was shorter, at about 5'0". She had light brown hair and pierceing cold grey eyes. Lacey couldn't understand why she was he most popular girl in school. Yes she came from a family that had a lot of money, but that was it. She was ugly, by Lacey's standards. Lauren had a face that reminded Lacey of a pug. Why all the guys in school seemed to put her up on a pedestal Lacey couldn't seem to figure out. Next to Lauren was Shelly. She was much prettier than Lauren. She was about 5'4" with platinum blonde hair with hazel eyes. Lacey couldn't help but feel bad for her when she saw her face. She looked upset.

"There's nothing that Lauren wouldn't stoop to," said Ryan.

"She disgusts me," said Hannah.

"I second that," siad Lacey.

The bell rang for lunch to end. Then all said their goodbys and left to go to class. The rest of the day went by pretty quick. At the end of the day Lacey went back to the locker room. She changed into her practice clothes and walked out to her coach.

"Go ahead and grab a ball and just shoot around. It'll be an easy day today," said Temp.

"Deal," said Lacey. She grabbed a ball and went to an empty basket at the other end of the gym.

Lacey loved basketball. She loved sports in general. When she was little her dad had pushed her into basketball and it was the best thing he could have ever done for her. Lacey was really good. Actually she was the best on the team, even though she would never admit to it. Lacey loved it because it just help her relax. Some people were artists, some people played music (which she did too. She played the trumpet in the band), and some people did theatre. Lacey did sports. She was so busy just getting into a rythm of shooting that she didn't notice someone walk up and rebound her ball for her. When she snapped back she was surprised to see Aaron Matthews holding her ball.

"Hey," Aaron said.

Lacey was confused. What was Aaron doing here? And why was he talking to her? "Hey,Ummm, can I have my ball back?"

"Oh yeah," he threw it back to her.

Lacey grabbed it and shot it again. She made it and Aaron got it and threw it back. After a few more awkward shots Aaron got the ball and started to dribble it.

"You've got a nice shot." he said.

"Uh, thanks." Lacey couldn't get over how wierd this was.

"You're in my math class. Your pen girl, right?" said Aaron.

Great now she was referred to as 'pen girl'? "Yeah, but I do have a name. And it's Lacey," she said throwing the ball back to him after he made a shot.

"Lacey. Ok. Well you're pretty good. How about one-on-one?"

"I don't think so," Lace said, totally shocked that he'd asked her to play.

"Why not? You aren't scared of losing are you?" He gave her a smirk. Lacey couldn't help thinking he looked extremley cute.

"No I just don't want to embarass you by beating you," she said crossing her arms over her chest. Aaron let out a little laugh. Lacey couldn't help but smile.

"Ok well how about you back up that claim."

"Maybe some other time. I am actually here for practice," Lacey gestured to all the other people in the gym.

"Ok, well I'll hold you to that," Aaron said tossing the ball back to her. "See you tomorrow in class."

"Yeah see ya," Lace watched him walk out the door, still not sure what had just happened.



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