Ch.3: 🙈Double Trouble🙈

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Both Reki and Langa are flips
-Meaning they're cgs and littles, not one or the other-
(Thanks so much to @potatoesrule234 for informing me of the correct terminology!! <3)

Cg: Reki Little: Langa
Turns to Littles: Langa & Reki
Then they switch places.


Tws: Stress, harmful thoughts, breakdown, & crying

⚠️Warning⚠️ mention of pull-ups

Unable to hold back his stress, Reki slips while taking care of little Langa.


Request from: @theuwu1
Go check out their two stories!
I hope I did your request justice!

It's been a stressful past couple of days for Langa, and he wanted to regress to de-stress. Luckily for the taller male, things had gone significantly better today than it had in the past few days. But he still wanted to be little today. And it's not like Reki minded being the 'adult'; It's just that compared to Langa's day, his was an absolute failure of a day.

Nevertheless, he was going to suppress the negative feelings. This was his usual routine until he could deal with them by regressing. He knew this wasn't healthy but he didn't care. Right now was definitely not the time to think about what was healthy and what wasn't. He'd sort it out later, and regress once little Langa was taken care of and happy.

And to be fair it was his one bad day against his best friend's multiple bad days. No matter if the blue-haired boy had a good day today or not. Langa deserved to regress first and then him. It was a simple answer to Reki.

It would just be a few hours until they'd switch places. How could things go so wrong in a few hours? He'd be fine. He had no idea how wrong he'd be. And how this innocent thought was going to bite him in the butt later. But that didn't matter now. All of his attention was now on his little best friend.

After school got out, Langa regressed. Reki and Langa were getting picked up by Masae, Reki's mom, so Langa wasn't going to be spotted by their classmates in this state.

Reki lead Langa to the car and got him inside and buckled his seat belt for him. He then grabbed a spare green pacifier from a compartment in the door and popped it in Langa's mouth. Langa happily sucked on it. They then drove away heading to the Kyan household.

Reki liked to keep a few tinyer little items in his mom's car, in case either of them regressed on the way home. Same thing with Nanako's car. Both of the moms knew about their son's regression.

"I see it's a little day for Langa huh?" Masae chirped.

"Yeah, he's had a rough couple of days so I'm gonna take care of him today. He might sleep over, that's fine right mom? Langa already let his mom know. And she's fine with it."

"Yeah of course it's fine, you know I'm always okay with that. I'm glad Langa gets to relax poor darling looks like he needed it. I noticed he looked a bit tense yesterday." Masae paused a second before continuing. "And are you sure you're okay son? You seem a bit stressed too. You know I can take care of both of you if you need a break."

"No I'm alright mom, really." He lied. "Don't worry. I don't want to put that pressure on you anyways. You've got the younger ones to take of too. I'll be able to handle him for tonight." Reki added as he looked over at Langa and gave him a smile. Langa giggled and smiled back.

"If you say so Reki. But if you need any help ,any at all; Don't hesitate to come get me."

"Yeah I know mom I will." Reki assured.

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