Ch.12: 🎨The Show🎨

344 4 7

Cg: Miya Little: Reki


No Cws

⚠️Warning⚠️ PURE FLUFF

The painting show with your host Reki and his assistant Miya!


Reki's currently at his caregiver's house. He went there on impulse because he really wanted to see them. They were going to be seeing each other at 'S' tonight but Reki was feeling needy.

So here they are hanging out in Miya's room. Miya was definitely surprised to see Reki at their door a few hours ago, but they weren't going to leave their regressing little at their door step. He came all the way here for them. They let the little guy in and they went to their room.

They've played some animal crossing, colored together, played tag, and even a few rounds of hide n seek. They are currently cuddling right now. They just woke up from a nap a few minutes ago. They're enjoying each other's company in comfortable slience.

This goes on for another 20 minutes until Reki starts to get restless. He got all of his energy back and he wanted to use it.

"Nii-san!! nii-san!!!" He calls squirming in Miya's hold.

AN: I decided to use nii-san because it's sounds more natural. l know l had little Miya say big brother before but it didn't sound right. When I do little Miya again I'll use nii-san to refer to big Reki too.

"No need to yell little man, I'm right here."

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm just excited..."

"That's fine little guy, what is that you're excited about?"

"I wanna paint! Please can we nii-san."

"Sure thing buddy. That sounds like fun."

"Can we do a little show too!?"

"A show? Like how Bob Ross does it?"

Reki eyes sparkle.

"Uh-huh Uh-huh!! Just like him!! He's super cool!! When I grow up I wanna be just like him! too're very cool too!!"

"Ah-huh. Nice save bud." Miya laughs.

Reki loves Bob Ross. He watches him all the time. It helps a lot when he can't sleep. And obviously little Reki loves watching him too. Whenever little Reki wants to watch TV, 98% of the time it's to watch Bob Ross.

He's binged the whole show in a matter of months. And even had time to watch all the episodes again. So all the episodes he's seen more than once. He's even got the very first episode fully memerized.

With the help of Miya of course. Reki didn't know any English when they first started watching Bob Ross. They only started watching the show in the first place because some Americans on Miya's for you page were talking about it. Reki had begged him to watch it after watching that tik tok so Miya helped him look for the show.

Miya was obviously good with English because he was a very well known skater. So it was mandatory to have a basic understanding of the language of the place they were visiting that they were doing the competition at. English was the one that was used the most, so he was very fluent. His second best language, right after Japanese for obvious reasons.

Reki got so obsessed with the show after the first episode. He loved watching the episode play since he couldn't pick up most of the English words orginally. But once he got the hang of it he loved the show even more. He could finally understand his idol, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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