!Request Page!

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Hey guys! Welcome to my book. This is the request page. I'd like for people to try and put the requests here just so it's easier to find.

-Here a basic outline to help me create a story-


~Who will be the cg and who will be the little~

~Or if you want babysitters or multiple cgs with one or more littles~

~Will the ship/pairing be platonic or romantic?~
(If you read my description you saw I only do romantic Renga and Matchablossom.)

~No romantic ships between an adult and a minor this is off limits~

~Any headcanons you have for the characters~
(Give details about it because there's a chance I will have no idea lol.)

~Any specific mannerisms you think the little in question would do while in littlespace~
(I don't know much about this but I'm willing to learn. I thought it would a cool addition to the story.)

~And if you want to be super specific you can let me know if you want the little to have a certain little age/age range~

~Lastly a plot, most important part! This can be a basic plot or you can make it as detailed as you want~
(This will aid in getting the best result for what you invisioned.)
(Also I'd say I'm pretty good at fluff, but angst is a bit harder but I'll try my best. Those are the only things I know how to write to be honest, but this will be totally SFW so the others won't be needed anyways.)

And I think that's it. Also don't expect this to be completely canon to the characters or story. But I'll try to stick as close to it as I can though. I wanted to add my own little twist to them.

There will be a few triggering subjects but I'll try and keep it on the down low. I like really fluffy fanfics and if there is angst in my chapters, I'll turn it into fluff at the end.

And as a final note. Age regression is completely SFW. Agere is a healthy coping mechanism. I will not tolerate this book being put in a list that isn't SFW. I'll be pm-ing you immediately to move it out of your list. If you continue to not listen I'll be blocking you. To add to that, if I see anything NSFW in the comments of these upcoming chapters, your comments will be getting deleted. Or as a last resort you'll be blocked.

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