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Two Years Later. . . .

Miles and I decided to make Savannah our permanent home. We found a beautiful three bedroom home that we adored. It wasn't as large as Nicole and Skyler's house, but I fell in love with it's quaintness. I covered Miles' eyes with my hands. "No peeking. Watch your step." I directed him, as we entered the house. The realtor was already waiting in the house.

I removed my hands from his sky-blue eyes. "What do you think? Isn't it amazing?"

He nodded. "It's everything you described. It's a very nice home. If you like it, I love it."

I clapped my hands excitedly. "Yay, I'm so happy you love it. The property is very large with plenty of room to add on to our growing family." I placed my hand on my expanding tummy and felt a kick. "The baby loves the house too."

"We better hurry up and get settled before our baby girl is born." Miles swept a lock of hair off of my forehead.

"We'll put an offer in on the house today." I looked at the realtor. She was thrilled to have buyers.

"When are you due?" She inquired.

"In three months."

"I'll get this offer to the sellers today. Thank you, they will be happy. I don't foresee any problems." She smiled.

Miles helped me into his Jaguar and we headed home. We are staying in a guest room with Amelia and Beau while trying to find the perfect house. She has proved to be the most loving mother-in-law. It helps that I have peace and a quiet space to work on writing my new series. She dotes on me and her granddaughter to be.

My auntie Maxine and uncle James found a home and relocated to Savannah. Lance, decided to make the move to Savannah, as well now that his whole family is here. My parents are still in Florida helping my Granny. And my brother, Logan, decided to keep our house in Seattle. I miss him, but he comes to visit often. He and Miles still compete in races on occasion. But Miles still works for Pennington, Inc.

"Knock knock." I recognized that familiar voice. "We're here for dinner. I love Amelia's cooking." My sister winked.

"Nicole," I sung her name. I was so happy to see her and Evelyn.

"Skyler is in the living room talking to Miles, Lance, and Beau. What are you doing in your room?"

"I'm trying to finish this book, before the baby comes." I waddled over to give her a hug.

"Auntie look what I made in preschool today." Evelyn proudly displayed her letters and numbers.

"Good job. You have such neat handwriting." I gave her a high five.

I sat on my bed. I get tired very easily these days. "Miles and I put a bid on the house I was telling you about." I took out my cellphone to show her pictures of the listing.

"Oh, it's beautiful. I'm excited for you. Hopefully you'll be able to move in right away."

"That's the plan. We're running out of time. I want to get the nursery ready." I placed my hands on my stomach. Evelyn joined me. She is excited to have a baby girl cousin on the way. We're still in the process of picking names.


Dinner was lovely with my husband, his family and my twin sister. No one cooks like Amelia. She made Miles' favorite dessert—peach cobbler. We got a phone call from the realtor this evening. Our offer was accepted. We'll be moving in, as soon as we close in a few weeks.

My father, Lucas, and June are very much a part of our lives. He is over the moon to have his second granddaughter on the way. We spend time regularly with them, April, Jace and Mimi. I would never have expected to go from being adopted, to being reunited with my family.


We're in our new home, with two months until I deliver our pink bundle. Miles stood behind me on the porch with both hands on my stomach. "I can't wait to meet this little lady. I hope she is just like her mother," his voice softened.

I reached my hand back and touched his face. I felt a warm tingle. "I hope she knows that she is capable of doing anything she puts her mind to. Auntie Maxine always told Nicole, that the sky's the limit. I want to teach our daughter that she is beyond heights."

I turned to face Miles and he wrapped me securely in his arms. "With all you have done to help heal the chasm in your family, and the love that I've found in you—you are Natalie, Beyond Heights." He kissed me with a love so sweet and I knew that I was home.


                                                                The End

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed Natalie Bingham and Miles Pennington's journey. Please Vote and/or Comment and let me know. Thank you for reading. 😊

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