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Lunch with June

My cellphone rang early in the morning before sunrise. "Miles, is everything alright?" I never checked the ID.

"Natalie it's June, honey. Would you mind coming for lunch at my house? I don't like leaving your father alone for too long. He insists he's fine. But between you and me, he's not," she spoke in a very low voice.

"No problem. Would you like me to stop and bring us lunch?" I offered.

"Don't be silly. I'll have lunch prepared. Your father is thrilled that you invited me to lunch. I've been very fond of you, since early on. You look so much like your father. I feel drawn to you. I'll have lunch ready at 12 p.m." She hung up in a chipper mood.

I had a hard time sleeping. I had rehearsed in my mind what I would discuss with June. And how I would ease into the conversation. But I would not let her continue to hurt my sister, intentionally or unintentionally.


I pulled up in front of my father's stately mansion. I still can't get over his personal wealth. He didn't need my grandfather's money. My phone startled me, as my nerves were already on high alert. "Hey Natalie. I wanted you to know I love you. I know you'll find the right words to say to June. I'm heading into an accounting meeting. Call me later, thumbs up." Miles texted me a thumbs up emoji and a heart.

I decided to stop lingering in the car and face June head on. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs. I exhaled, grabbed my purse, and exited my car. I made my way up the walkway and was greeted by June. She was waiting with the door wide open.

"There you are. I was wondering if were going to get out of the car."

I laughed awkwardly. "I got a phone call from Miles."

She looped her arm through mine. "You two are such love birds. I thought Nicole and Skyler were bad. But you and Miles may have them beat."

Great, that might give me an idea for bringing up Nicole.

"Natalie, it's nice to see you this afternoon. Would you mind if I joined you and June for lunch?" My father had a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Hi, Daddy. You're getting around good with your cane. Of course you can join us." This wasn't what I was planning.

"What is Nicole up to? You should have brought her and Evelyn along." He looked disappointed.

"Lucas, Natalie had invited me to lunch." She sounded a little irritated. With frown lines across her forehead.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll let you two have some girl time. I'm happy you get along so well." He commented.

"I'll have Jill bring your lunch to you." June swept back a stray lock of her perfect updo.

Jill, my father's nurse, entered the living room. "Come on Mr. Dunbar, I'll have lunch with you." She went over to assist him. Steadying him, as he took steps forward.

"Thank you Jill."

"No problem Mrs. Dunbar." She gave a small smile.

June ushered me into the dining room. Everything was set for a delicious lunch. One of her staff served us our salads and hot crusty rolls. A homemade dressing, and butter was already sitting on the table. I wasn't hungry. My stomach was unsettled. I decided not to beat around the bush. I dived right into the conversation.

My voice shook. "Can I ask you a question about Nicole?"

"Of course, you can ask me anything you'd like." She buttered her roll and avoided my eyes.

"Why were you willing to accept me, yet you didn't treat my sister with the same kindness? You knew of Nicole's existence when she was an infant. Her mother had died soon after her birth and she still had Daddy. But that wasn't important to you. You didn't know about me, but you embraced me as family right away." I poured balsamic dressing and took a fork full of salad to distract my nerves.

June wiped the corners of her mouth with her linen napkin. "I will readily admit I was wrong. I should have encouraged my husband to raise his daughter. But I was jealous of Evelyn. I had loved Lucas since I was a little girl. I never meant anything to him. He loved Evelyn Smith. He still does. Nicole looks just like her. I got Lucas by default. If Evelyn were still alive, he'd be with her. So would you and Nicole."

I stared at her in surprise. "But Nicole is your husband's child. She had nothing to do with our father marrying our mother. I'm sorry that you loved him, and he didn't return your feelings. But nevertheless he is Nicole's father. She should have been recognized and treated as his daughter." I spoke bitterly.

June squeezed lemon in her water and took a sip from her glass. "I guess subconsciously, Nicole represents Evelyn. I never liked your mama, because she was the love of Lucas' life. I dreamed of being his wife. I had the opportunity and I took it. I still have a difficult time separating Nicole, from my feelings toward Evelyn. I know it's not right. . . . Please don't think I'm a horrible person," she whispered tearfully.

I saw a vulnerability in her practiced poise, I hadn't seen before. She was being brutally honest.

"I get what you're saying. But I can't accept that. You have to figure out a way to change how you think of Nicole. She nor I can change who our parents are. She is Lucas Dunbar's daughter and has every right to be recognized as such. Especially now, that we are finally reunited and part of his life. We are both part of this family. She deserves kindness and love from our father. I think from you as well." I gulped down a golfball sized knot in my throat.

I saw tears simultaneously prick our eyes as we looked at one another. I saw understanding in her eyes. She grasped what I was saying. I had no clue how she felt about it.

I pushed further. "Nicole is the mother of our father's only grandchild. Evelyn, means everything to him and she loves her pop pop. My sister put aside her hurt and deep resentment. She allows Evelyn, to spend time with and get to know her grandfather. That speaks volumes of her character and the woman she is. She helped take care of him after his stroke. You should be grateful of that fact. I will not allow anyone to mistreat her. She is my twin and you must treat us equally. It's all or nothing, as far as I'm concerned."

My father hobbled into the dining room, without his cane. I immediately jumped up from the table to grab his arm. June hid her face. She had significant tears and red eyes. I helped my father get settled into a chair.

"Daddy, what are you doing walking without your cane?"

"I wanted to join you two."

"That wasn't safe." I scolded him, while June regained her composure.

She turned to face him. "Lucas please don't do that again. You could have gotten Jill to help you."

My father joined us for the rest of our lunch. I'm happy I was able to address my feelings on Nicole, before he entered the room. I'm sure I'll soon see if our girl talk made a difference or not.

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