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Flashback. . .


"Lucas, I'm glad I stopped you from sinking yourself any further into the mire. How do you think Nicole would have reacted to find out she has a twin sister? I'm flabbergasted that you never told me." June plopped down heavily on the sofa, gawking at me.

"I never even told James and Maxine, there were two babies born that day. It wasn't until the doctors were prepping Evelyn for surgery, that they discovered a second baby. She still had another baby in her womb, hiding behind Nicole." I blew out a loud breath in anguish and disbelief.

I sat in the living room watching the minute hand on the clock tick by. The sound was annoying to my ears. "They delivered her before surgery, and Evelyn didn't make it. That was the true story. I signed the paperwork for her be adopted. I was so overwhelmed."

I was anxious to get this news off of my chest. It had been too long already. I carried this around for twenty-eight years. I caused this whole situation to two people who should have meant the world to me. They are my daughters, by the one woman that I truly loved.

I don't know why I became so panic-stricken and gave up my girls. How can I ever get them to forgive me, now?

"You aren't planning to tell Nicole about her sister now, are you?" June's eyes grew large, and I heard fear in her voice.

"She deserves to know. My mama, James, and Maxine deserve to know." I stated with certainty in my voice. I had finally gotten up the courage to reveal this hidden truth.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. I named her Natalie. The couple's lawyer said they liked the name and chose to keep it. Their last name was Bingham. Their lawyer handled everything. I'm sure Skyler can locate her." I would make sure to ask him.

June paced up and down, with her high heeled shoes clicking on the hardwood floors. "You are opening up a can of worms. Think before making this decision. Nicole just started letting you visit your granddaughter after fifteen months."

"I've already made it!" I grabbed my car keys, and headed out of the door. There was no turning back.

June came after me and spouted in her shrill voice. "Lucas Dunbar, wait until April comes to visit with her husband! I'm going to need her support. The Penningtons will dislike us even more than they already do. And your mama, will probably never speak to you again."

I eyed her with a steel determination. "You should have April and Jace come. They are all sisters. But I'm going to talk to Nicole now. If she chooses to cut me out of her and Evelyn's life, so be it. I can't hold this in any longer."

End of Flashback...


Logan and I are currently in the air flying to Savannah. I'm on my way venturing into the unknown. Lucas Dunbar explained that he is my father, and that I have a fraternal twin sister named, Nicole.

This truth was hidden from everyone all of these years. Our father believed this damaging news was irreparable. Nicole had little to do with him, and our grandfather completely cut him out of his will.

He was ashamed and felt miserable for the poor decisions that he made. He didn't know how to ever have a relationship with his twin daughters. We came from the one woman that he has truly loved and yet he abandoned us.

Of course he never told his wife, June. From the story he told me, it seems she married him for his money. He fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

"Hey Nat, are you okay? Do you need to talk?" Logan focused on me with worry-filled eyes.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now