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Two Months Later
The Wedding of Miles Pennington and Natalie Bingham

I'm a writer and I couldn't think of one single word to describe what this day means to me. I'm marrying the man I never dreamed I would see again after our first meeting. I dreamt of him and his ridiculously handsome face, but finally realized he was out of my reach.

I turned over on my side and yawned before a light knock on my door. "Come in?"

"Somehow I knew you'd be wide awake. Did you sleep at all?" Nicole stood in the doorway with her arms folded, wearing a smile.

I reached for her and puckered my lips. "Come sit down." I patted a spot on my bed and gave her a sisterly kiss on her cheek.

I couldn't contain my excitement. "I'm marrying Miles Pennington."

"I know. Wait, you're going to be my sister-in-law and my twin sister. That's nuts." She furrowed her brows for a brief second. Then we burst into giggles. That is quite an amazing fact.

Nicole asked if I was nervous. So many people will be in attendance for my wedding. All of our family members and friends are here. Amelia couldn't help herself. The list kept growing. My parents invited our Bingham family and friends as well. I don't know how we'll all fit. The caterers are bringing extra food and the cake I picked is huge. My dress is magnificent. I looked through so many bridal stores and magazines until I found the perfect dress.

I stretched, staring at my ring with adoration. "I can't wait to add my wedding band. Miles and I finally agreed on the design. He had our names and wedding date engraved on the inside."

"Natalie, you helped heal a gaping wound in our family that seemed irreparable. Your love and kindness won the admiration and respect of us all." She gave my hand a squeeze with tears starting to form.

Nicole quickly stood up. I stopped her. "You are an amazing woman. You helped, by being willing to accept Lucas as your father and a grandfather for Evelyn. I know it couldn't have been easy. But I admire your compassion in being there for him, even when he didn't deserve it. You even accepted June into your life after the way she treated you. I love you, my sister," my voice cracked with emotion.

I wiped my soggy eyes. "Enough sappiness. Let's get ready for my wedding day. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams." Nicole put her hand on the door knob and blew me a kiss. She left the room before we needed a row boat from our tears.


I peeked out the window of the room I was getting dressed in at the wedding venue. I had my hair and makeup professionally done. I spied Miles standing next to Skyler. They looked like they could be twins. Miles look dashing in his black tuxedo. I caught Miles wiping at his eyes a few times. I felt his love in those moments.

I overheard Evelyn talking to Nicole. "Mama I want to go with Daddy," Evelyn whined.

Nicole stooped down. "You have to stand with me. After Auntie walks down the aisle, you can go with Daddy." She is supposed to be the flower girl. But she's too young to get the whole concept just right. We practiced, but we're still working on it. I laughed to myself

A hush fell over the outdoor venue as everyone was seated and waiting. Miles looked at his watch. The music started and Nicole got in line to precede me. She held her bouquet in one hand and Evelyn's hand in the other. She looked adorable in her miniature white dress and her bouncing dark brown curls. She held a basket of flowers.

They stood in place across from Miles and Skyler. The music changed and I came down the aisle flanked on each side by my two fathers. They were bursting with pride. I was so happy that my father was walking one of his twin daughters down the aisle. It meant the world to him. We walked slowly because he's still using a cane.

I reached Miles and he was literally, speechless. His eyes spoke what he couldn't say. "Miles, I love you," I mouthed.

"You look breathtaking. I love you too Natalie." He finally managed to speak.

We exchanged our vows in front of everyone who meant something special to us. It was the best day of my life. Miles gave me an unforgettable look and kiss, after we were pronounced husband and wife.

We dined, danced, cut our cake, and soaked up the love and unbelievable happiness that we found in each other and our families.

I danced with my new husband, swaying to the music. "I'm so grateful that I met you and that we didn't give up on a long distance relationship. It all led to this day with you being my wife."

"I agree, we would have missed out on something special. And I wouldn't have my newest book character, Miles the Adventurer." I teased him as I kissed his soft lips.

"That would not have been good. And I wouldn't have the admiration of so many elementary school kids and their parents." He joked and I swatted him.

He pulled me close and whispered. "I was lost for a while and couldn't decide what I wanted to do with my life. But you made me want to stay put. You're my greatest adventure. I love you Natalie,"


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