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Natalie and I left the bookstore. I held her right hand securely. I carried her leather case in my left hand. We strolled to my car sharing a thick wall of silence that seemed impenetrable. Natalie was chewing on her lip. Her eyes were shielded by a big pair of sunglasses.

I cleared my throat and pointed. "My car is parked across the street." I tried to get her to speak audibly. She shook her head in acknowledgment. My thumb pressed my key fob and unlocked the car doors.

I opened the passenger door for Natalie. I stepped in front of her, blocking her entry. She took off her shades and directed her hazel stare toward me. I moved close to her, our faces were inches apart. I saw the details of black, amber, brown and green in her hazel eyes. She was breathtaking.

I slid my arms around her waist and leaned in closer. I was a breath away from her face. "I'm so sorry that I was late to your book signing. I know it was important to you, and you are important to me. I won't ever make that mistake again," I felt her trembling, as I let those word hang for her to absorb.

I released her waist and she gingerly got in the car. I closed her door, put her book bag in the back seat, and got behind the wheel. Her face was flushed and I noticed she had put her sunglasses back on. I knew my statement had gotten to her.

"Would you like to have dinner with me, since it's just the two of us?" I grimaced, not knowing what she would say?

"Sure," she spoke in a low whispery tone.

"Since we're already in the Historic District, we can go to a restaurant around here." I suggested.

"That sounds great." She was trying to regain her composure. She ran her hand along the dashboard, touching the buttons and gauges. "I love your car, it's a beautiful deep red tone."

I turned to face her, I took off her big shades. "Thank you, I just bought it recently. I knew a fellow Jaguar enthusiast like you would appreciate it. I'm not racing anymore, but I at least wanted to drive a nice fast car." She gave me a small smile staring intently into my eyes.

I gulped the knot in my throat. "We had better get going to a restaurant." I knew in that moment, I was losing my heart to her. I looked in my side mirrors, signaled, and pulled out into traffic.


We had a lovely dinner, after getting our nerves settled. Our conversation was fascinating about our lives growing up. Both of our likes and dislikes. It was amazing how much we had in common. We have similar ideas about people, places, and things.

Natalie reached into her leather book bag, that she had been guarding. "I have a gift for you. I wanted to give it to you at the bookstore. But that didn't go as planned."

"I hope you've forgiven me." I blurted out, cutting her off from speaking.

"As I was saying, I have a gift for you. It's something I started working on when I came to Savannah. It's top secret, and I hope you like it." She pulled a rectangular gift wrapped item out of her book bag. She placed it in my hands, biting her lip.

I unwrapped it and I my eyes grew large with surprise. "Liliana Meets Miles the
Adventurer." I read the title out loud. It was a manuscript of her new book she was
writing. My eyes became watery and I got choked up. I was beyond shocked.

She reached her hands across the table, touching mine. "Do you like the title?"

"Like it? I love it!" I exclaimed. I was honored to see my name on one of her books.

She steepled her hands over her mouth and became filled with emotion. I got up and sat directly next to her in the restaurant booth. "No one has ever given me a nicer gift." I bent my head delving into her hazel depths. "Thank you, I can't wait to read it." She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me excitedly.

"After our motorcycle ride and dinner, I couldn't sleep. I got an idea for a new story and decided it would be great to add a new character to the Liliana Series. It would be awesome to add a little boy to go on adventures too. My agent loved the idea. She's pitching it to my publisher." She was so happy to share with me.

"I think it's a brilliant idea. Now you will capture a whole new demographic of little boys. You'll need a stadium for book signings." I teased her.

I had never noticed how long her eyelashes were before tonight. I got distracted.

"No more kids crawling under tables in a crowded bookstore." She joked, while touching the side of my face.

Her touch was so warm and tender, "I'm glad you like the idea. I can't wait until you read the story that was inspired by my adventuresome friend."


While we were waiting for the dinner check Natalie's phone rang. "Hi Mia, they did? Ahhhh yes! Okay call me in the morning. Love you." She started squealing and stamping her feet in elation.

"Are you going to leave me hanging?" I was anxious to find out what was going on.

Natalie spoke out of breath. "That was my agent, Mia. She said that my publisher loved Liliana Meets Miles the Adventurer. Ahhhh! I'm so ecstatic right now. I need to make an illustration board. We have to figure out who Miles the Adventurer looks like. He is going to be a permanent character to go on all new adventures." A smile tugged at my lips just watching her joy.

"It looks like your plate is going to be full with writing and illustrating. That is amazing news, I'm so happy for you. I never thought I would be an adventurous book character. Where have you been all my life?" I asked a little more seriously than I meant for it to come out.

"I want the character to look like a young version of you. Could I have some pictures of you as a little boy?" She cocked her head, looking up at me expectantly.

I winked at her. "I'm sure my mom has loads of pictures that she would love to share with
you." Then I put my head in my hands imagining Amelia Pennington hearing this piece of

She hesitated. "The bad news is that I'll be going home to Seattle on Friday. There are some logistics that have to be worked out with my editor and publisher. So I'll only be in Savannah for two more days." Her eyebrows formed a sad frown.

I was downhearted hearing that Natalie would be leaving. I didn't want her to go back home. I like the relationship that we are establishing. I hate long distance relationships. They rarely work. I didn't know what to do or say. I don't even know what to call the connection flourishing between us.


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