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We arrived at Lucas and June's imposing house and there were no cars in sight. Perhaps they are in the garage, and we're the first to arrive. Miles held my car door open and we held hands up the walkway to the front door. I rang the bell that played a long tune. Why didn't that surprise me?

Mimi answered the door. "Congratulations sweetheart," she could barely say that, before dissolving into tears. She grabbed onto me. Her hand reached out to Miles, squeezing his hand.

"Where is everyone?" I looked past Mimi, inside the house.

My father walked with a limp using a cane. He met us in the foyer, with a proud smile lighting up his face. It took great effort, but he did it on his own. June came following him, but stayed at a close distance. I could feel her anxiousness.

"Congratulations Natalie and Miles," he managed to speak with tears glistening his eyes.

"Thank you," I got emotional.

Miles held his hand on the small of my back. "Thank you so much, Mr. Dunbar."

Nicole rushed inside the house, nervous when she didn't see any cars. We drove straight here, after staying overnight at my parents home. We had a joyous small engagement celebration. We spent time with my parents and brother.

"It's good to see you walking, Daddy," I heard the relief in her voice.

I noticed a coolness in her demeanor towards June."Hello June. I'm sure you're happy to see Natalie here. All that I did to help nurse my father back to health—" She stopped speaking abruptly.

The color drained from June's face. "Of course I'm happy to see Natalie and you. I appreciate everything you did, Nicole. What exactly are you implying?" She smoothed her hair with her hands.

Skyler cleared his throat and raised a brow at Nicole. "Why don't we save this discussion for another day? Let's enjoy Miles and Natalie's engagement." His eyes never left hers.

June spoke with her French twist perfectly in place. "I agree with Skyler. Your father is getting better. And he's been looking forward to seeing Natalie. Congratulations to you and Miles. We'll have two Pennington daughters." She let out a sardonic laugh.

The tension in the air was very thick. I did feel bad that June was so kind to me, compared to Nicole. It didn't make sense, since she had just found out about me. She knew of Nicole's existence all along.

Skyler wrapped his arm around Nicole's waist and kissed her forehead. He knew she was still dealing with hurt and heartache. She regained her poise and directed her gaze towards our father. "Evelyn misses you. I will bring her to visit soon."

"That would be nice, Nicole. Your father misses her too." June became the spokesperson.

"I'm speaking to my father." Nicole managed through gritted teeth and her back facing June.

I quickly interceded. "Would you like to see my ring?"

"Of course, how rude of me." She turned in my direction as I held out my hand.

"Miles, you picked out a gorgeous ring. I'm blinded by its beauty." June complimented.

"Thank you, I had it designed for Natalie." He winked adorably at me.

"I'm so happy for you Natalie. You and Miles make a lovely couple." My father acknowledged.

"Nicole, I didn't have the privilege of being part of your engagement and wedding. But I was happy for you and Skyler. I still am. You gave me my first grandchild," my father's eyes were watery.

"I know Dad," Nicole barely whispered.

"If you don't mind, Nicole and I will wait for you guys in the car." Skyler looked agitated with worried lines across his forehead. He knew something was bothering her.

I will talk to her when we get home. She obviously needed to leave June's presence.

As Nicole and Skyler left out of the door. April and Jace didn't get to ring the doorbell.

"Congratulations guys, we're so happy for you." Jace's eyes met mine and Miles'.

"Thank you, Jace." I kissed his cheek. He is genuinely such a nice guy. A welcome addition to this family.

Miles gave him a bro hug. "Thanks Jace."

"I'm thrilled for you two. It's crazy how you knew each other, before we found out Natalie was a Dunbar." April remarked.

I can't believe that this is all of my family!

Miles glared at me. "I don't think we can leave Nicole and Skyler in the car all night. We should get them home to Evelyn. I'm tired from yesterday and the drive home today," he yawned.

"You guys get going. I'm happy you stopped by so we could congratulate you in person. That really meant a lot to me. I also appreciate you asking me to marry Natalie. You're a good man, Miles," my dad got choked up.

"Thank you, Mr. Dunbar. I'm fortunate that I had the opportunity to see your daughter again. This time I wasn't letting her go. Now she's going to be my wife." He smiled as his hand enveloped mine.

My phone rang. "Hey Mia, tomorrow? I'll ask him. Can you do a book signing tomorrow?" I looked pointedly at Miles.

"I guess so." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, work everything out for tomorrow. Thank you." I ended our call.

We said goodbye and quickly escaped to our car. We had to pick up Evelyn. And Nicole and I needed to talk before the night was over.

Then we have the book signing tomorrow.

"Before we head home can we stop at our park and view the sunset?" Skyler spoke up from the back seat.

"Sure if everyone doesn't mind." Miles glanced in the rear view mirror.

Nicole was gazing out of the window. "I'll go," she spoke quietly.

"Fine with me." I belted out.

"Well, I guess that's our next destination." Miles drove away from my father's house.


We arrived at the park, walking leisurely toward the benches. A few families were gathering their picnic items and putting them in their trunk. Kids were complaining about having to leave. "Do we have to go? I want to catch fireflies." One boy declared to his parents. Darkness had not yet arrived.

Nicole was in a somber mood, looking down at the grass as we all shared a bench. Skyler had his arm around her. Miles held my hand with a strong grip. The four of us sat mesmerized by the majestic sun slipping below the horizon.

I needed to know what was weighing on my sister's mind. She didn't speak. Skyler pulled her close, kissing her temple. She was so happy on our getaway to Florida. And even on the drive back to Savannah. There was nothing but laughter.

"Nicole are you alright?" Now, I was bothered by her sudden mood swing.

"I'm fine. Just enjoying the magnificent sunset and being with my family." She picked up my free hand, placing it in hers.

Miles snuggled closer to me and I let the conversation drop. I will talk to her when we get settled tonight.


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