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Friday Morning


A lone tear managed to trickle from my tear duct, as I thought of Miles. That was the fastest two days I've witnessed fly by. I moved my head from side to side searching for my brother, Logan, at our flight terminal.

My mom and dad flew back home to Florida yesterday to be with my granny. It was special that they came to Savannah to be with me. They shared the experience of meeting my father, who gave me life.

"We are so grateful to you for our Natalie." My mother lifted her eyes, shaking Lucas' hand.

Both of my parents thanked him for giving them one of the greatest gifts imaginable. They could never entertain the thought of their lives without me. And then they departed.

Meeting my Dunbar family and my twin sister, Nicole, were moments that will forever be engraved in my memory. Our father spent Wednesday with Nicole and I. He took us to lunch and we each expressed our unspoken feelings, without judgement.

We asked so many questions about our mother, Evelyn Dunbar. Our dad loved our mama very much. We both recognized that he still does, which makes him not raising us even harder to comprehend. And it has incarcerated him with overwhelming guilt. He can never be exonerated in his own mind and feelings.

It was a very freeing discussion for me and Nicole. Now, I think she is slowly ready to let go of her anger and animosity toward Lucas Dunbar. He is at least desirous of being a grandfather to, Evelyn.

She loves her pop pop, and she doesn't need to grow up with this baggage. Nicole and I have our growing pains in different ways. It has to stop with us.

We all made a promise to FaceTime when I get back to Seattle. And at least try to make the best of our family situation that we have now. We all want that for Evelyn, and any future children that Nicole or I may have. I told them about my new book, Liliana Meets Miles the Adventurer. They were so excited for me and gave me knowing looks.

"So are you and Miles an item?" My father casually asked, as he picked up the check for our lunch. He drank the last bit of his glass of sweet tea.

I shrugged my shoulders, as a smile danced in my eyes. "Ah, I think we were heading towards something. But I live in Seattle and he's here in Savannah." I frowned, poking out my bottom lip.

"A word of advice, if you have feelings for him. . .don't let the distance get in the way. I wish your mama were still alive. I think Miles would love a future with you." I was flabbergasted by my father's input and I think it showed on my face.

Nicole looked at our father quite stunned and then her eyes landed on me. "Daddy is right, Natalie. I know you have strong feelings for Miles. Don't let location interfere with that. You wrote a children's book about the man, hello!" She dissolved into uncontrollable giggles.

She tried to stop.

A smile began to form on my lips, along with a blush spreading fast. "But I don't know how he truly feels about me. I think he likes me a lot. Is that enough for a long distance courtship, or forever? Him being the inspiration for my new book is coincidental."

"Coincidental? Okay, if you say so." Nicole looked at me and a chuckle slipped out.

"Well, I think you two need to find that out before you leave on Friday." Nicole humphed, and she fell out laughing. We had all been holding our laughter in long enough.


I was invited to the Pennington's house on Thursday night for dinner. Amelia was so skittish. Even Beau was talkative after she elbowed him a couple of times. Lance had flown back to Dallas. So it was Mr. and Mrs. Pennington, Miles and I. Hmmm.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now