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I overslept this morning, missing my alarm. I kept hitting the snooze button a little too forcefully. Now I think it's broken. I peeked out from underneath my pillow, threw the covers back, and quickly jumped in the shower. Monday is always hectic at work. Being late just added stress to my day. I rummaged through my closet, picking out my suit, shirt, tie, and shoes.

It took me a while to drift off to sleep last night. My mind was buzzing with thoughts of
Natalie. Every time I'm around her, she just has this affect on me.

She's beautiful, smart, funny, classy, her eyes are gentle, and kind. She's a rare woman. I could tell that the moment we met. I couldn't help giving her a kiss before walking her to the door. That effortless kiss was incredible. I surprised her and myself too.

Besides a Harley, I own a red Jaguar XE. It's a sports sedan with a lot of speed. I made a compromise. I still wanted a fast car even though I don't race professionally. I got to work in record time this morning.

My cellphone ringtone blared. "Good morning Skyler. I'm in the parking lot. I just closed my car door and I'm on my way into the building. I'll come straight to your office."

He sounded a little annoyed.

"Good morning Jill. I know I'm never late. Everyone breaks a record at some point in life." I joked on my way into my brother's office, chuckling. His eyes landed on me along with a frown.

"Nice of you to stop by Miles. Did you forget that we had a conference call, with an important client in Japan this morning?" He stood up. And leaned over his desk, tightening his jaw muscles.

"I'm sorry Skyler. I overslept and everyone left the house without a word." I dropped down into a chair in front of his desk.

He stood reading a memo. "Thankfully, he agreed to reschedule the meeting for tomorrow morning." He tore his eyes away from the memo for a few seconds to look at me, menacingly.

"I will be here."

"How was your date with Natalie, yesterday?"

"It wasn't a date. . . date. Anyway, I enjoyed spending time with her."

"You got her home kind of late."

"What, are you serious? Were you keeping tabs on us?"

"Yes, it was around 11 p.m. I was still up, when I heard your motorcycle out front."

"Now you sound like my father. . . . You're only two years older than me. I got her home safe, Dad." I smirked at him.

Of all the nerve, I thought to myself.

"She's Nicole's sister. I'm sorry if I'm a little protective." He winked at me and smiled.

"I get it, but you're not our parents. And just so you know, I do know how to treat a lady." I spoke up in my behalf.

"Okay calm down, I know you are a gentleman. I trust you." He came over and squeezed the top of my shoulders.

"You seem a little touchy on the subject of Natalie. Did I strike a nerve? Do you have feelings for her?" Skyler sat back behind his desk eyeing me curiously. He had one arm folded, and his opposite hand under his chin.

I stood from my chair and waved away his suspicions. I wasn't telling him anything. I don't even know how Natalie feels about us getting to know each other. She's only here to visit her new family.

I coincidentally met her previous to finding out she was a Dunbar. Not to mention she lives in Seattle. She and I would never work.

"I'm heading to my office, if you need me," I muttered on my way toward the door.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now