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Miles and I had the best date on our romantic carriage ride. Being held in his strong protective arms gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I didn't want the ride to end. Our guide took us around for an extra half hour.

When the tour ended, Miles hopped down and helped me out of the carriage. He took out his wallet and started counting out $50 bills to pay our tour guide. "Keep the change for your tip." The guide was so appreciative with his eyes growing wide.

I latched on to Miles' arm. "Thank you so much. That was everything I expected and more." I kissed his stubbled cheek.

"Are you up for some more adventure?" He tilted his head, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.

What was he up to?

"I know you love being near the water. I wanted to take you to visit Tybee Island. It's a 20 minute drive east of Savannah. It's Savannah's beach. We'll go to North Beach, it's less crowded. I think you would love it." He gave me the most breathtaking smile and his sky blue eyes sparkled in the sun.

I squeezed my eyes shut, reminiscing about Puget Sound. "I'd love to go. Lead the way." I put on my sunglasses and I was ready to roll. It sounded really nice. This was the only day we'd have time to spend going on a real date. Miles punched in the address in his GPS. And we sped off in his Jaguar on our way to Tybee Island.

We arrived at our destination and I was impressed. While rolling up our pant legs, we removed our shoes and tossed them in the trunk. I was speechless at how beautiful the beach was.

There were sand dunes, amazing views of the Atlantic Ocean, and we even spotted an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. We looked at each other with both of our mouths agape.

We didn't expect to see that. It felt like we were on an adventure. All five of my senses were tantalized. There is nothing like the smell of the sea, with salt hanging heavy in the air.

The thunderous sound of the drumming ocean waves crashing and breaking at the shoreline was magnificent. Its sound echoed in my ears.

I wore a white eyelet capped short sleeved shirt with faded denim jeans. Miles had on a white polo shirt and khakis. He looked like someone who stepped off the cover of a magazine. I giggled under my breath, as we sauntered hand in hand along the five mile stretch of beach.

I took the time to flat iron my dark hair this morning. It hung long and was constantly flying into my face, with the breeze coming off of the water.

I felt free with the wind whipping through my tresses. I enjoyed the feel of the wet mushy sand beneath my pedicured feet, as the water washed over them.

He bent down and suddenly seized a smooth seashell half nestled in the sand. "For you." He held out his hand like a little boy.

"Thank you." I grasped the shell from his fingers. His eyes caressed my face so tenderly.

I was elated to share this moment and this beautiful day with Miles. He knew exactly where to take me today. He even got up at the crack of dawn to come get me from the airport. I know he's exhausted, but he hasn't shown it once.

"Would you look at that?" He pointed into the distance, squinting with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't see anything." I shrugged my shoulders, turning around to find Miles on his knee before me.

I was so unprepared for this moment. I put my hand to my chest and tears began pricking my eyes. Other tourists stopped in their tracks, watching this scene play out. I heard sighs from women in the background.

"I'm not an author, nor do I have a fancy prepared speech. I actually don't practice things, because I like to live in the moment." Miles gave me an impish grin.

He cleared his throat. "Natalie Bingham, you are the most surprising adventure that has happened in my life. You make me want to do things that I would never do under any other circumstances. I was willing to have a long distance relationship because of you and you alone." He stood up, closing the distance between us.

His eyes beheld mine with an unnerving intensity. "I love you and I want to go on all of my future adventures with you as my wife. Will you marry me?" He pulled out a spectacular diamond ring that dazzled brilliantly in the sun.

I was transfixed by the irresistible look on his face. My heart was beating wildly. "Yes," that one singular word escaped my lips as a breath.

Then, I nodded my head up and down with tears dripping. "Yes, Miles I'll marry you. I love you so much." I brushed my lips across his in a sweet kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, held me close, and returned the gesture.

He wiped at the tears that began to roll down his cheeks. He placed a gorgeous ring on my finger. I leaned into his hand that he held up to my cheek. My heart felt like it was trying to escape my chest, it was beating so hard.

The onlookers started clapping and tearing up. The owner of a nearby restaurant invited us to come inside. They would prepare lunch for us, on the house. Everyone was so supportive and excited for us.

We thanked everyone. But we had to share the news with our families. Miles told me he asked both of my fathers for my hand in marriage. He called my dad, Benjamin Bingham, in Florida. And he spoke to Lucas Dunbar, here in Savannah.

That's why I love this man, he is so incredibly thoughtful. He dignified Lucas in a way that I would never imagine. I know that took a lot for him, but he treated him with compassion. He even had Nicole text me this morning, to throw me off.

I sat back in my seat in Miles' car. "You mean everyone knew that you were going to propose today?"

"Yup. And they couldn't have been happier. I just wanted to make sure you were surprised." His eyes crinkled at the corner and he closed his hand over mine.

I couldn't stop admiring my stunning ring. I replayed the events that led up to this unbelievable dream come true. I was attracted to him when I first met him last year. But I would never imagine seeing him again, and becoming his wife.


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