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We pried ourselves away from the captivating park setting. The night was such a contrast to the glow of the oranges and yellows of the setting sun. Now the stars twinkled, as they were spread across the dark canvas.

"We need to pick Evelyn up. It's way past her bedtime." Nicole spoke, bordering on frantic.

"Don't worry. I called my mama. She'll have Evelyn in her pajamas. We can put her right in the car." Skyler alleviated any worry, sliding his phone back in his pocket.

I don't understand the sudden change in Nicole. Miles told me to let it go for now. She obviously has some type of gripe with June. Her countenance changed once we arrived at our father's home. He was right. I observed the same thing.

We got in Miles' car and headed to the Pennington 's home. I was leaving my fiancé and heading to spend the night at Nicole's house. I had a busy day planned for tomorrow, with a book signing for Liliana meets Miles the Adventurer. I was so excited to introduce him as my fiancé. The little girls will probably want his autograph and not mine. I chuckled at the thought.

"What is amusing you over there? Miles inquired as he drove.

"I was thinking about the book signing tomorrow, with you present."

"This should be interesting. It will be our first, as an engaged couple." He placed his hand on mine.

"I hope I don't lose my fan base. Little girls have a huge crush on Miles the Adventurer. Evelyn loves him. She's happy he's going to be in our family." I teased.

Nicole had fallen asleep on Skyler's shoulder on the ride to Amelia and Beau's house. "We're here already? I didn't realize I was so tired." She focused her eyes out of the car window . We were pulling into the driveway.

She and Skyler sat quietly in the back seat the whole ride from the park. Hmmm.

Skyler tossed her the car keys. "You can get in the car. I'll get Evelyn and put her in the car seat. We can make a quick transfer, get home, and rested for tomorrow.

"Thank you. Sounds like a plan." She caught the keys with an appreciative smile.

"I'm going to say goodnight to Miles and I'll be right behind you." I lingered.

She gave me a thumbs up, with a sly grin. "Goodnight Miles," she laughed lightly.

"Thank you for taking me to Florida to share our engagement with my family. It was special for them and me." I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"It was my pleasure Natalie. You don't have to thank me. I look forward to every adventure with you." He slid his arms tightly around my waist and leaned in for a sweet kiss. It gave me goosebumps.

Skyler appeared holding Evelyn. "She's still asleep. We need to get going. I hate to interrupt."

"Don't be silly. We all need to get sleep for tomorrow. I love you Miles, goodnight." I acknowledged Skyler, but faced Miles.

I got in the car next to Evelyn. Miles closed my door and we waved goodbye, as Skyler drove away. When we arrived at Nicole's home, I couldn't let her change in mood go. She and I were downstairs, while Skyler put his little girl to bed.

"Nicole, I couldn't help but notice your sharp mood swing when you were around June today. Did something happen between you two?" I hoped I was treading lightly.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now