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Seattle, Washington

The sky was a dark midnight blue that faded into a lighter blue. At the very base I could still barely make out a faint yellow-orange tinge, as the sun was setting below the horizon. The wind was howling outside against the store windows. The naked dark tree branches danced as the wind blew a familiar tune.

I couldn't wait for winter to be over, and to go outside feeling the warm breeze of a spring day against my skin. I was sitting at a local book store for a book signing. I had to contemplate braving the elements on this cold snowy night.

I live in Washington State, along Puget Sound. It's an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, consisting of numerous islands, deep fjords, and bays carved out by glaciers. When it's cold, you feel like a human popsicle when you're outside.

A white fluffy fresh blanket of snow fell, while I was signing my latest children's book. It's a big hit with little kids. I made it to The New York Times Bestseller List. . . my dream, I could pinch myself! Even with the snow storm, there was a long line of parents and their children.

I am a children's book illustrator and author. I wrote a series about a little girl named, Liliana and her many adventures. The newest one is: Liliana Finds a Lost Puppy. My publisher is thrilled with the sales.

"Miss Natalie, can you take a picture with me?" A sweet little girl asked, giggling shyly. She held her hands clasped behind her back. She had auburn hair and a sprinkling of freckles across her pretty face.

"Of course I can, sweetheart." I bent down and put my arm around her tiny shoulders. She held her signed book up with a toothless grin, as her mom snapped our photo.

After signing books and taking pictures with the kids, I trekked outside to the snow covered parking lot. The snow was now windswept and getting deeper. Even the weather forecasters were surprised by the intensity of this storm.

I love my job! I always loved to draw, paint, and color as a child. I decided to get my Bachelor's degree in Art and Design. I couldn't find work right away. But my dad knows someone, who knows someone, that was looking for a book illustrator.

I applied and got the job. Then, I became immersed in writing as well. Now, I'm with a publishing house that is a perfect fit.

I needed to find my ice scraper. I had to remove all of the ice and snow flakes from my car windshield and windows. "They are beautiful and each one is unique." I can still hear my elementary school teacher, Mrs. Robinson's enthusiasm.

Years ago, she taught a science lesson on snowflakes. Guess who loved cutting out the shapes and patterns with construction paper?

Now that I'm an adult they aren't so pretty. It's not fun when you have to drive home at ten miles per hour on the highway. All you want to do is get there, have a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and put on some warm pajamas.

I got in my car almost frost bitten and my phone buzzed. "Nat, where are you?"

"Hey Logan. I'm just leaving the parking lot at Barnes & Noble. What's up?" I questioned my very protective brother.

"I was just checking on my little sister."

"Awww how sweet. And no, I'm not baking you cookies when I get home. I know you're used to Mom baking chocolate chip cookies during snow storms."

"That would be nice, I have to admit. Anyway, I shoveled the walk way and your parking space in the driveway. Make sure you put your car in 4 wheel drive. Get home safe and take your time. Love you."

I really do have the best brother. I always admired him growing up, and tagged along with him. He never minded until he started dating. I always scared his girlfriends away. Mom would yell and make me go to my room. Logan always forgave me. He was thrilled when I got older, and had friends of my own.

I'm actually adopted. Logan is six years older than me. My mom and dad wanted another baby so badly. They found me and our family was complete. They told me that some poor man's wife died during childbirth. The timing was impeccable. He signed me over for adoption. Their lawyer called, and they adopted me on the spot.

I was born in a hospital in Savannah, Georgia. My parents flew down there right away. They brought me back to Seattle, and I've lived here ever since. Sometimes I think about my birth family. But Mom and Dad always made me feel like they were my real family.

I never felt adopted. My brother, Logan, always doted on me as well. His friends never mentioned it. I am and always will be, Natalie Bingham.

I pulled into the driveway. Logan was standing outside on the porch waiting for me. He is so sweet, I just may bake him some cookies. "Logan, go inside! It's freezing out here. I'm okay."

"Just back in, I'm good. What kind of gentleman would I be to leave my sister out here in the cold, with all of this snow? Back in slowly, you got it." He gave me a thumbs up.

"I promised Mom, I would always look out for you and I'm living up to my word." He stated in an authoritative tone.

Our mother and father, recently moved to Florida to take care of her aged mother. Mom needed to be near her. Logan and I helped our parents move to a retirement community in Florida. It was rough for all of us.

My grandma doesn't always recognize us. I miss my granny. She was always so loving and so much fun. I'm bi-racial and she loved my naturally curly hair. It fascinated her when I flat ironed it straight.

She would marvel at my hazel eyes and tweak my nose between her fingers. My family always encouraged me to embrace both sides of my culture.

I miss my dad with a longing so deep. I was always daddy's little girl. He is an amazing father. He is what every father should be. If there was  a school on how to be a father, he would be the instructor.

"Natalie, is fine Mom. . .she's right here. You sound exhausted. You need sleep, let the nurse help you with Granny. Don't forget that caretakers need to take care of themselves too." Logan reminded our mother, while on his cell phone.

I waved my hands and shook my head no. "Natalie will talk to you later. Get some rest. We love you and give Granny a kiss for us." Logan interceded. My mother doesn't know how to say good-bye and she needs rest right now.

The phone rang again. "Mom, I will call you tomorrow."

"Is this Natalie Bingham?" An unknown male voice questioned apprehensively. I thought it was a bill collector or a telemarketer.

"Y-yes, who may I ask is calling?" I acknowledged, even though I got chills from his voice.

"This is Lucas Dunbar. You don't know me, but I'm your father." His voice cracked with emotion. He blew me away with that disclosure. My mouth hung open in complete and utter shock!


Author's Note: I am super excited to share this 2nd Book in: A Pennington Story Series with all of you!! Please Vote if you like this Story and please add a comment as well, even if it's just an emoji 😀 I love hearing from and engaging with my readers❤️

What did you think of that phone call to Natalie? 🤔

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