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I departed from Miles as I quickly entered the house, closing the door behind me. I stood in the foyer with my back leaning against the door and my hand over my hammering chest. My heart beat was so fast, I was actually concerned.

I relived the moment that Miles held my face and gently kissed me. It was so unexpected, but simply exquisite. It was astonishing how something so simple could be so wonderful.

My day with Miles was better than I imagined. Riding on the motorcycle with my hands tightly holding his waist, was spine-tingling. I loved his biker vibe, his beautiful Harley, and him. He is the real deal.

He's got tons of money and yet you would never know it. He's not pretentious and I love that.

We had a great time at dinner talking. I loved when he showed our flirtatious hostess that he was with me. When he held my hand and interlaced our fingers, ahh! He was proud to be with me. I could have went into cardiac arrest on the spot. But I managed to maintain my composure.

I definitely didn't like Jenna Mayfair. I refused to let her intimidate me. I know she was trying to figure out who I was, and what my relationship was with Miles.

It was very obvious that she has an attraction to him. But he insisted that he has never returned those feelings. I kept things short and sweet with her on purpose to keep her wondering.

It felt like I've known him for years. He was down to earth. We had a natural chemistry, the moment I met him last year. Neither one of us pursued anything after our first meeting. He flew back to Savannah. Logan and I went home to Seattle. I never heard from, or spoke to Miles again.

Nicole startled me out of my reverie. "Natalie, what are you still doing here in the foyer?" She wore a perplexed look.

"I'm sorry, I just got back from dinner with Miles. I didn't know you would still be awake." I lifted my back from the door and tried to appear normal. I felt anything but normal.

Nicole wrapped her blanket tightly around her shoulders. "Come out of this chilly foyer and tell me all about your date. I waited up for you to get home. I heard Miles pull up on his motorcycle. I peeked out of the window. You two looked awfully cozy."

"Nicole, I can't believe you were spying on us. And it wasn't a date!" I whispered-yelled indignantly.

"Well, I saw him kiss you." She quickly covered her mouth with her hands. That slipped out.

I narrowed my eyes and put my hands on my hips. "You really we're spying," I whispered and pointed towards the front door.

She blushed. "You're my sister and I was making sure Miles was being a gentleman."

"Oh really? I'm twenty-eight years old. I don't need you mothering me and Miles is a true gentleman. He is Skyler's brother. Would you like me to spy on you, my dear sister?" I huffed.

Then we both burst out into fits of laughter.

I think we had our first argument. It was the best disagreement with my twin sister. Nicole reached out, grabbed me, and put a big smooch on my cheek. It was pretty cool.

"Let me grab something to drink and I'll tell you about my date with my biker dude." I gave her a wink and we giggled excitedly like two school girls.

"I'll join you in the kitchen, so we don't wake everyone up." Nicole followed me. Trying to be as quiet as possible. She wanted all the gossip. I loved having a sister.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now